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Mothers are always seen as the strong ones, the ones who protect their daughters from all danger and heartbreaks.

I want to know you're always there for me. I want to still crawl into bed and tell you about my day each night I can. I miss having you hold me tight at night when I've suffered heartbreak. It's not the same not having you to calm me when I cry my heart out, thinking how the ache could kill me in a second.

I try to be like you. I try so hard.

I know I don't say this enough. I want to be you. I want to be the mother my daughter can look up to.

I have discovered long ago what I want to be. I want to be a mother a daughter can be proud of, just like you.

Thank you for always putting me as your first priority. You are truly the most selfless woman I know. You have always made sure I was taken care of before yourself. You never think about yourself and continue to put your children first.

Thank you for always being so strong. Your strength has shown me I can overcome an obstacle thrown my way. Your determination to never give up has inspired me to always keep moving forward. Thank you for being strong even when you did not want to be.

Thank you for being my best friend. You were my first friend and have turned into my best friend. I wouldn't be the person I am today without you. I am the luckiest daughter in the world to have a mother like you. Every time I'm with you I'm thankful and reminded of how great you truly are. You are my entire world. Thank you for all the memories and being the glue to our family.

There isn't a day that goes by that the thought doesn't cross my mind as to how I got so unbelievably lucky to call you mom. I hope that in every aspect of my life I make you proud, and I promise to try harder and harder every day. Even more so, if the day comes, I can only dream to be half of the mother that you are.

I want you to know that our relationship may change. That doesn't mean in a bad way. There will be new milestones and chapters of my life that I cannot wait to share with you. We will both grow with wisdom and age. Im am excited to see what the future holds for you. But as I grow older, I'm becoming more and more aware of the fact that one day, hopefully, I will be a mother too. My only hope is that I can be as amazing as you. I love you deeply mama.

Really, what it all boils down to is that you were and are, the most magnificent mom I could have asked for. Beautiful, smart, devoted, funny, caring and everything else any daughter could want, all wrapped up in a knitted housecoat and a smile. You are seldom far from my thoughts and never out of my heart. I wanted to write these words on paper so that you could always have them close at hand, especially when I'm far away and don't send you letters as often as I should. I want you to always know that I love you and cherish you more than life itself. Whenever I cook a meal, read a book, or just feel the sunshine on my face, I am feeling you and the love you always showed me.

Love always,

Little Elia.

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