chapter 10.Her Devdoot , His Jacket Theif

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It shocked Darsh to see the fragile girl who was trying to return to her normal breathing breath and was sweating badly looking at her clothes. He can say that she belongs to a good background. But the men who were behind her looked like they were on a mission. Who hired them and for what purpose??

  What this girl is doing in the middle of the forest all alone, he wanted to snap at that girl for roaming alone,  but that can wait. First, he had to deal with the goons. So he waited for their move first, then he would proceed.

The hired men were cursing their minds at the thought of rape as they must have killed her till now, but their one move change their plan. And now they have to deal with this stranger who is just a hurdle in their task. They finished this stranger if he tried to play smart with them. The head of the group signaled a man to move forward, who nodded at his boss in return.

 So After hearing Darsh, a short heightened goon offered a winning attitude. Darsh opened his jacket and throw it towards Sanjana 

“Hold it“darsh ordered her 

Sanjana jumped in surprise.

“So you are the first one as you wish” .Darsh threw a hard punch on his ugly face. Within seconds he touched the ground, groaning in pain. Then darsh kicked him where the sun didn’t shine.

“So now, who is next?”.

After watching their friend’s condition, who is yelping in pain on the ground. The second goon took out a knife from his pocket and started moving towards darsh. Darsh smirked because he was well-trained in kickboxing.. But unfortunately, that’s something the goons don’t know.

Darsh just tightens the camera pouch which is hanging with his belt.

When the goon attacked him, he dodged him easily. As soon as the goon missed it, in the blink of an eye, the knife was on the ground and the pain was screeching in pain, holding his abdomen. 

“. Next “Darsh called them

The people on the left side had seen the outcome of clashing with Darsh. They do not have any guns in their possession. So they did what was required, they ran for their lives. 

“Why are you running, bastards come on now! Rape her, I swear to god I will not leave you until you grasped for your last breath “

The injured ones also started limping behind their friends.

Darsh dusted his clothes and then looked back to see the condition of the petrified girl. But .....but there was no one.

“WHAT THE HELL! i cannot believe this, that ungrateful girl ran away without saying thank you, at least she can say that. Ooh ! She ran away with my favourite jacket.” Darsh shouted in anger.

“Kabir used to always say that I am the meanest and mannerless person living on earth. He should meet this girl, the jacket thief, then he will understand that there are more mean persons than me.” Darsh was murmuring on the way back to his car.

Sanjana’s P.O.V.

When the Devdoot (angel or God’s messenger) was engaging in with the goons, I saw some car lights on the road. I grabbed the chance and ran from the woods to reach the main road. As I was not interested in watching the fighting skills of Devdoot ., I know I was behaving like a selfish person but what can I doI have to reach home as soon as possible. I will say thanks to the devdoot if he will meet me in my life again.

When I reached the main street, I saw a familiar car coming towards me The car stopped with a jerk, and Sunita came down from the car she panicked after seeing me in this condition I told her to get in the car and drive as fast as possible on the way I told her about the whole incident. When we reached near the city, I called driver Kaka and I told him that I had reached home with my friend’s help. Kaka used to drop and pick me up from college. so my friends have his contact number for emergencies. 

“What are you going to do about this? You know we should go to the police to file a complaint? “Sunita suggested in a worried tone.

“Are you mad? You don’t know about my family’s mindset.No way I will not tell this to anyone and promise me you won’t tell anyone to.”Sanjana stated firmly. 

After reaching the main gate I saw that the sleeve of my kurta was a little torn out, so I wore the devdoot’s jacket to hide the condition of my clothes. I make myself somehow presentable thanks to Sunita’s makeup kit.

Once I entered the lawn, I saw my Nanima and Nandini aunty were discussing something .When Nanima saw me coming she got relieved. 

“How was your trip? I hope you enjoyed it, child, “ Nanima asked excitedly. 

“ It was good Nanima,” I answered politely. 

“Why are you wearing a jacket, child? Are you not feeling fine? “Nanima asked, getting tense. 

I loathe having to lie to her, but it was an unavoidable situation. “I am fine, Nanima ,just feeling cold “

“Okay then get changed and come for dinner, as it’s time “. 

“No Nanima, I am too tired and the lunch was very heavy so I will just like to sleep.” 

“ Ok then, take a rest. Goodnight “

As soon as the conversation ended, I ran to my room, locked it and got under the shower with water. My tears were also flowing constantly. 

After showering, I hid the jacket in my cupboard and discarded the torn clothes. I just fell asleep after thanking Kanha for sending the devdoot.

The next day at the breakfast table, the discussion of preparations for engagement was going on. Our family priest has suggested completing the ceremony in our ancestral temple so that there will be no problems in my married life in the future. The batra family also agreed to this arrangement.

We completed the shopping. The henna artist came a day before engagement and my hands were full of beautiful henna patterns.

The engagement day arrived quickly. The whole Chauhan family with close relatives left for the temple in their respective cars.

Darsh’s p.o.v

After returning to the cottage, I got under the shower to relax my muscles and to cool my temper. I still cannot believe this. 

After dinner, I started sketching the ungrateful girl. I called my private investigator and told him to find the details about this girl and send the picture of the sketch to him.

The next morning, the private investigator informed me about the details and also that the goons were going to kill her that day. He told me that the girl is getting engaged in two days. I was not interested in her issues, so I ordered her to keep a tab on her until my presence in Dehradun. I was just making sure that there was no threat to my family’s name or image.

Authors p.o.v.

So they set the stage. The Chauhan family and the batra family were going to do their roles in the play, not knowing it. And the director was very sure to make this show a successful one. As after the show, nothing will be the same as before., nandini was sure about it

, nandini was sure about it

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