Chapter 3: Crisis

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    "Tell me, how is All Might as a teacher?" a woman asked you and some other students.


        "That's enough, you can clear out now," Aizawa interrupted you. You were glad that he had saved you from having to answer.

        You went into the building and sat in your seat once you got into the classroom.

        "Hey Todoroki," you said in greeting.

        "Hello (L/n)," Todoroki responded.

        "Did you get questioned by the press, too?" you asked him.

        "Yeah, but I just ignored them," he said.

        "Ah, I should've done that, but luckily, Aizawa-sensei restrained them,"

        Todoroki looked like he was going to say something else, but he was interrupted by Aizawa.

        "All right, we are going to do something we haven't done before," Aizawa said.

        "What is it? Is it another pop quiz?" some of your classmates asked.

        "No, we are going to pick class president and vice president," he answered.

        "That's such a normal school event!" the class said.

    Iida proposed that the class should pick by voting, and Aizawa agreed to it. The results had come in once everyone had voted. Midoriya was going to be president , and Yayorozou was going to be the vice president.

    Now, you were walking to lunch with Todoroki.

    "...Todoroki?" you said.

    "Yes (L/n)?" he answered.

    "Do you want to, um, swap numbers?" you asked shyly.

    "Yeah, sure," Todoroki handed you his phone, and you handed him yours.

    "Okay!" you said when you had finished.

    You both arrived in the lunchroom and sat down with Uraraka, Iida, and Midoriya. You greeted each other, and then they went back to their conversation. They were talking about Iida's family. Apparently, his family was rich, and his brother was the pro hero Igneum. Before any of you could say much about that, the alarm went off, signaling that there were intruders. Everyone crowded out into the halls, and you were pushed to the wall. Todoroki was elbowed and almost landed on top of you. He put his hands out on either side of you to stop your collision.

    "S-Sorry (L/n)," he said, his face going red.

    "It's alright," you said as he got off of you. Your heart was pounding faster than normal for some reason. It could have been because of what was going on in the halls, or something else.

    The next thing you know, you see Iida flying through the air. He landed on the exit sign above everyone.

    "It is... alright!" he yelled, "it's just the press, so nothing to worry about!"

    Everything calmed down, and class resumed not long after that.

    "I think that Iida should be class president, based on how he reacted during that crisis at lunch," Midoriya said. The class agreed, and so did Aizawa.

    1-A's class president would be Iida, and the vice president would be Yaoyorozou.

        "Today, we'll be doing a rescue training," Aizawa announced,"the place is far away, so we'll be traveling by bus,"

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    "Today, we'll be doing a rescue training," Aizawa announced,"the place is far away, so we'll be traveling by bus,"

    A few minutes later, everyone was ready. Some people were in their hero costumes, and some weren't. Aizawa had said that you could decide if you wanted to wear your costumes or not, since some of them would just get in the way. You had decided to wear yours.

    "You know, Midoriya, your quirk is kind of like All Might's," Tsu pointed out. Now that you were thinking about it, it was similar to All Might's.

    "But All Might doesn't hurt himself when he uses his quirk," Kirishima pointed out.   

    "Yeah, that's true," she said. They then started talking about something else, but you weren't listening until you heard your name.

    "If you want to talk about quirks that are strong and cool, that'd be Todoroki and (L/n)," Tsu said.

    Not long after, you had arrived at the USJ, made by the pro hero Thirteen.

    "I call it the Unforeseen Simulations Joint, or the USJ," Thirteen said.

    "Kinda like Universal Studios Japan," the class mumbled.

    Thirteen then talks about quirks and how to use them to your advantage in different situations. You saw a black portal come up behind Thirteen, and then you saw a creepy man come out of it. After the creepy man were more people who came out.

    "Those are villains!" exclaimed Aizawa, rushing down to fight them. A purple, smoky villain stands there, so Kirishima and Bakugo try to hit it.

    "No, get away!" Thirteen said, reaching out for them.

    You saw this purple smoke-like stuff, so you tried to fly out and away from it. You were still caught in it. When the smoke stuff had cleared, you saw that you were with Todoroki, and that the ground was frozen. You followed the ice to see villains caught in it.

    "Oh, good job Todoroki," you said.

    "Thanks," he said.

    "Let's go and see if we can help the others,"

    "Yeah, okay,"

    The two of you went off and eventually sawAll Might. Well, you heard him before you saw him.

    "Fear not, I am here!" All Might boomed.

    You and Todoroki made it to where All Might was. Aizawa was unconscious.

    "Here, take him and get him to safety," he said, pushing off and knocking out some villains with his fist. You and Tsu took Aizawa and brought him to where there were ambulances. You saw All Might slam a villain through the roof, finishing it off with a blow. The villains live the same way they got there, and smoke surrounds All Might. You saw Kirishima running to where All Might and Midoriya were, but Cementoss put up a wall and said something to him. Kirishima nodded and went back to where he came from.

    You guys got the next day off.

Word Count: 955 Words

This chapter was a little bit shorter, but I hope you enjoyed it! I hope you guys are doing well.


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