Chapter 9: Dorms

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You woke up feeling better than yesterday, but still not at your best. You went downstairs and saw that your mother was still there.

"Mom?" you asked.

"Oh, hey sweetie! Are you feeling any better?" she smiled.

"Yeah, a little bit..... why are you here? Don't you have to work?"

"I took off to make sure you were alright. Your father and I were worried sick about you when we heard you'd been kidnapped!"

"You've said. Luckily, my friends were there to save us."


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Aizawa and All Might had come to your house and all of the other student's houses to talk to their parents about you all moving into dorms. It was a little weird seeing All Might look so skinny. Your parents had agreed on letting you move into the dorms, and so did everyone else's parents in 1-A. Aizawa was now talking to the class.

"..... Todoroki, Yaoyorozu, Kirishima, Midoriya, Iida," Aizawa continued, "you all went out to save Bakugo and (L/n) on that night. Listen, if not for the retirement of All Might, I would have expelled all of you except (L/n), Bakugo, Jiro, and Hagakure. The other thirteen who didn't try to stop the five of them... you all betrayed our trust, no matter the reason. But if you follow the rules and procedures from this point on, you might be able to earn that trust back. That is all."

A few minutes later, you all had gone into the dorms. You were on floor four. Uraraka, Ashido, Kirishima, Shoji, and Bakugo were also on floor four. Todoroki was on floor five.

Before long, it was nighttime. All of the girls had come into the common room with the boys. It was decided that there would be a dorm room competition.

First was Midoriya's room. It was basically just All Might. There was even an All Might rug! Tokoyami had tried to block his door, but he was shoved out of the way. His room had a lot of dark things in it. Aoyama's room was just the opposite: bright and shiny. The last person left on the second floor for the boys was Mineta, so you all just went to the next floor. You couldn't help but be a little curious as to what was in Mineta's room.

On the third floor, Ojiro was first. His room was plain. Iida's room was also simple, but he had about twenty extra pairs of glasses and an abundance of books. You and Uraraka laughed at how many pairs of glasses he had.

"He's obsessed with glasses!" you both said.

"Is it so unreasonable that I expect some of them to get messed up while training?" He asked.

"Why don't you just get contacts?" you asked.

Next was Kaminari's room. He had a lot of different things such as a dart game, a skateboard, a basketball, and a mixing board. Koda had real animals in his room.

"So cute!" Mina said, lowering down to pet a bunny.

"Wait, that isn't fair! Shouldn't the girls have to show their rooms off, too?" Mineta asked, although he probably just wanted to see inside a girl's room.

"Yeah, okay!" Mina said, "after the guys!"

You all continued on with the rooms. Kirishima's room was next, since Bakugo had gone to bed. His room was 'nice and manly,' as he described it. Shoji only had a bed and a table in his dorm room. It was very simplistic. Sero's room was very fashionable and exotic-looking. Then, it was Todoroki's turn. You had been excited to see his room, and some of the other girls had been wondering the same thing. His room was a traditional Japanese-style room. It looked as if it had been built completely different from everyone else's. He said that it had been done through hard work.

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