Chapter 2

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Aliya's POV

"Ali! That's the third job this week. What did you do now? Did you offer to be 'her leader'?"

"Ma, that was a one time thing. I promise I'll get a job, a good one, a better paying one. Please don't be mad" I put on the full blown puppy dog eyes, they always work on her.

She tried resisting by avoiding my gaze but eventually she ended up hugging me. After all I was still her only kid and her little girl. I dreamed of a better life for her, a life where we wouldn't just have to borrow money from our neighbors to buy food. And yes you'd think that our neighbors were rich but no. They maybe richer than us with a couple of cents but look at us we are all living in the slums!

Each one of us dreamt of a better tomorrow, those who were lucky enough were those who won lotteries and suddenly became millionaires by night. Me? I didn't need any lottery ticket, i had my wits and my body which I knew would kill at the runway. One day I would be known as the glorious beauty that emerged from the slums, a world's best model!


"Bye Ma" I kissed her cheek and got on my scooter.

Today Ali was finally the day of achieving your dreams!

My subconscious reminded as I inhaled the soothing morning air. Riding my little scooter to Ray's, I told him to take care of it as always.
What job would I take on today? Secretary? Naah, been that and it didn't quite work out. What about? A consultant? I have no clue of what that even meant to begin with.

I knew what I wanted... To be a model the best one in the world but Ma warned me about this. I should focus on getting a job at the moment, apparently modelling ain't quite a job according to mom. But why? Why was my heart this adamant? Why was I, by the road trying to make a decision whether to take a right into the biggest modelling agency in LA or turn back and probably become another waitress.

I got my answer when my face was splashed with cold dirty mud like road water literally. So much for going to the modelling agency. I looked at the Lamborghini that had actually passed by me, without caring or not whether someone was standing by the side of the road.

As the dignified woman I am not, I ran after the stupid posh vehicle and by God's grace stood in front of it as it came to a screeching halt.

A man came out from it wearing a couple of faded blue jeans, a white shirt paired with a black denim jacket. He slowly removed his shades and my fury skyrocketed. He's the rich brat that got me fired.

"I should have guessed! First you get me fired now this? You really are the son of a devil, it's all written all over you. I'm surprised there are no devil horns coming from your head"

He was surprised, pretended as if he didn't know me and yet he did.

"Excuse me? You must have me mistaken for someone else, miss"

"Are you trying to say that I'm crazy"

"No but in the way you're behaving your suggestion ain't that off track"

Ha? How arrogant. Well he deserved what I was about to do next. Going so close to him, I wiped my face with his white shirt and went on my way like nothing just happened even after some people gasped unbelievably. Big whoop, he's rich so what?

Seth's POV

"Sumaira honey, you signed our contract you can't just back out of this" I explained it to her once more over the phone.

This woman was tough, just because she had an amazing body didn't mean that she could do whatever she wanted. Frankly I wanted to get rid of her, she was how do I put this gently...a pain in the ass! My phone rung and I had to switch the calls.

"Yeah Kylie I promise I'm not missing your party for anything. Yes I have got your gift with me"

My little sister, so bossy, it was only her sixteenth birthday and it seemed like the most important yet. I hung the call, my eyes now on the road before suddenly some weirdo jumped in front of the road making my car stop in its tracks.

"Are you trying to say that I'm crazy?"

Yes yes good Lord yes!

"No but in the way you're behaving your suggestion ain't that off track" I said a slight grin on my face.

I was surprised when she wiped her muddy face with my shirt then walked away. What was wrong with that woman? Did she have a thing for me? I certainly hope not because she's CRAZY!

With no spare clothes and no time to shop for a new shirt, I ended up at my parent's house like a kid who got caught in a mud puddle. My mom came first her smile warm and a look of concern.

" You had no time to hit the shower?" She asked sarcastically.

Dad on the other hand caught me off guard from behind, " Thanks God you came she couldn't cut the cake in your absence"

I smiled getting in for his hugs before we all gathered for Kylie to cut her birthday cake. Singing the jolly old happy birthday song, we all ate cake. It's a surprise to me that she actually liked chocolate, one of the things we have in common with my little sister.

" You do understand that having mud on your shirt doesn't exactly make you look like a badboy," Kylie said.

"And what does it make me look like?"

"Since you a hobo"

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