Chapter 6

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Aliya's POV

Why did you do that, Ali!

I slapped my forehead but it was his fault. Everytime am nervous I end up blubbering. Talking non stop. There was no pleasing him for sure, he was always grumpy and he hated me. How would I explain it to mom that I would be leaving this weekend for New Zealand. The biggest part to explain was that I was going away for two weeks?

"Ali! No. I won't let you" she cried her anger spiralling of control.

This was going to be harder than expected. The anguish in her eyes made me feel like crying.

"Ma just think about it, I'll earn alot. We will be able to pay for all our expenses and probably move to a nicer neighborhood. It's only for two weeks" I reasoned.

"That's just about it. Two weeks is too long! I'll be alone" if there was one person who deserved a crown for most dramatic mother it would be her.

"Ooh come on, Ma. You have Ray, Earl even Kelly is there. Please promised dad you would support my dreams and they are just about to be fulfilled"
I pouted pouring her a glass of water then massaging her feet as she lay on the couch.


"What was that?"

"I said fine!" She sighed and I hugged her squealing like how I did everytime she would buy me ice cream.


"And you made sure to carry your toothbrush?"

"Yes mom. Stop worrying when I get there I'll call you" I said holding onto my luggage as Ray and mom saw me off.

"That's my flight. Byee" I left after four assurances from Ray that he would take good care of mother.

Minutes later I was inside the plane and not just any plane but one owned by the Cervantes. Of course we were about twenty of us but I was not the only one mesmerized by everything in here. Even the smell was so rich like quite literally. The leather seats seemed polished and the wine glasses set on each coffee table, one would think we were in a deluxe suite.

"Is this your first time on a plane?" The brunette asked as she placed her luggage beside mine.

"Afraid so" I said quite embarrassed.

"Mine too! I'm Iris by the way" she held out her hand towards me.

"And I am..."

"Aliyah Maria Fernanda Johnson. Yeah everyone knows your name but since I'm your friend how about I call you Ali" she smiled and I smiled back realising that I had just made a friend too.

Seating next to Iris was actually fun, she was from a middle class family just like myself, a chatter box just like myself, loved street food like I did and not too brag but she was also a brunette and a 5'5! What are the odds of that?

"So you are telling me, you didn't know that it was him?" She laughed.

"Yeah I wish I had before. Do you know how awkward I feel everytime I see him. It's like karma slapping my ass"

Seth's POV

"Dylan we are already here. What do you mean the show was postponed to next week? Why wasn't I informed of this? While we wait you want us to do a surfing commercial?"
I hung up. Dylan Powers, a close friend of mine but as unpredictable as a bull in a bull ring.

His mother, Nicole Powers Millers, was known worldwide for her punctuality in what she did and the passion she had for work now her son on the other hand was struggling to meet his mother's reputation and failing at it.

"It's just a surfing commercial perhaps we can't tell them to go site seeing when all they have been thinking about is the fashion show" Luis said once the ladies were gone.

"You have a point, I mean what could go wrong?"

The surfing commercial was tomorrow and after letting the ladies get their beauty rest, we had reached the beach by noon. The models as prepared by Luis on what to do and act were ready well not all of them as it only required three of whom Luis would choose as well. My work was just seeing to it that everything went well and that the surfers some of whom included Chance Figs behaved among the women.

I sipped my lemon cocktail enjoying the sand between my toes. My head cocked to the side and the three models came all dressed in skimpy bikinis, two blonds and a brunette that always seeked attention wherever she went. Didn't she realise that that bikini was too small for her? I could already see people like Chance licking his bottom lip like a predator about to help itself on a juicy prey.

"Let's do this!" One of the men shooting the commercial stated.

Each lady as instructed tangled her hands around the surfer and I was surprised to see the brunette surfing together with Chance. The first wave, the surfers outdid their performance as they dived with their surfboards across it. The second wave, which everyone had eagerly anticipated came as a shock since apparently Chance's partner had fallen off the board and was now drowning.

Removing my sandals and shirt, I dived in and I pulled her out of the water as she sunk aimlessly in the water. The rest of the people stopped everything they were doing and crowded us as I tried applying pressure onto her stomach.

"Come on Johnson! Wake up" I placed my finger at the edge of her nose and nothing she wasn't breathing! Only one thing left to do CPR...mouth to mouth

I plunged my lips onto hers giving her air.

"Aliyah Maria Fernanda wake up! Mafey, wake up!"

I plunged my lips on hers once more and she miraculously woke up puking all the water on my face. At the moment it was gross but I was thankful she was alive.

"My name is" she coughed"...Ali"

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