Chapter 5

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Aliya's POV

"She's hot!"

Yuck! The man with the grossest moustache I'd ever seen whispered. Back to being a waitress this time in a bar filled with rowdy men. Three weeks it's been three freaking weeks since he promised that he would contact me if anything popped up. Am I a model? No! Still working on the same jobs that didn't paid little money.

Ali. He was bad luck, I said. Turns out he's the owner of Masquerade and quite frankly not my biggest fan. To spoiling his suit, to staining his expensive white shirt, to kicking the back of his head with a shoe, to insulting him. Did I actually think that he would even consider me? Me of all people?

I wiped the last table which was as filthy as a hell hole with all the beer bottles lying around and the used napkins.

"Missy make sure you lock up!"
Guzman the owner of the bar said.

After he was gone, I took a few minutes to rest my back. My phone rung as I fished it out from my pockets, an unknown number popped up on the screen.

"Are we speaking to Aliyah Maria Fernanda Johnson?"


"Well congratulations you're one of the lucky few to be accepted by Masquerade. Welcome to Masquerade, ma'am"

I screamed literally screamed! I got in. Masquerade hired me!

"Ma'am, ma'am are you still there?"

With alot of excitement, "Mmmh yeah yeah"

"You are expected to be at Masquerade by nine sharp! See you then and congratulations once more"


"Are you sure you'll be okay? I can come in with you" Ray said as he hung on to the throttle of Lucius.

"I'm nervous but I'm ready"
I assured him as I waved weakly watching him ride away.

"Don't screw things up and avoid him at all costs"
I warned myself. I was super excited the kind of excited that you feel like barfing and crying and screaming at the same time, that's how I felt. I stood at the entrance just taking in that heavenly smell. I tried resisting but I couldn't ultimately I ended up doing my victory chicken dance.

I did it. I did it.I did it!

"Fuck!" As soon as my elbow hit something I turned back. Ooh no!

"You elbowed me on the neck!"

"Mr Cervantes are you okay?" The guard almost in his sixties came rushing to the man standing behind me.

I was scared. He clenched his fist and his eyes were still the same icy and cold towards me.

"It was an accident" I blurted out.

"Everything is always an accident when you are around"

He straightened his coat dismissed the help of the old guard and rushed in.

Seth's POV

"And you're sure everything is settled? Of course inform Dylan that New Zealand is a go"
I said over the phone, as I pulled over at work.

My view was blocked by the crazy girl standing at the entrance of the company. Let's just get this over with, sure she was a walking disaster but she had a perfect body. For three weeks I had reconsidered my decision on either letting her be part of the team or not.

I kept my distance leaving the girl be but no, something bad happens to me when she's around. It hadn't been minutes before she choke slammed me on the neck.

"It was an accident"

"Everything is always an accident when you are around" I muttered heading to my office before instructing Luis to round up the new recruits for a brief moment with me.

"By signing this contract you all understand that Masquerade is a part of you now. If you have second thoughts as early as now the door is quite open but remember whatever you're leaving behind could change your life" I walked around the room as each woman took a pen in hand and bent over to sign the contract.

"Now with that aside, our first gig is in New Zealand. Prepare yourselves ladies because by next week we have to be perfect for the clothing line launched by Powers in New Zealand. Luis will give you more details" I dismissed them but one of them raised her hand and my brows frowned. What now?

"Sir some of us don't have passports because we've never been outside the country" she smiled and her confidence made me mad.

"What's your name?" I neared her but I was too cautious not to come to close to her.

The other ladies giggled and spoke among themselves while she...I had just asked her a question but she nibbled her lower lip distracting me at the moment.

"Aliya Maria Fernanda Johnson, Sir. But my friends call me Ali well except for my neighbors who call me Maria because they think am Mexican. And Mr Guzman calls me Missy cause he thinks my real name is Melissa well correcting him would be pointless anyway"

Quite the chatterbox, wasn't she? I composed myself tried to be as calm as possible tried hiding the smoke that would erupt from my ears any moment now.

"Would you please, shut up! If you don't have a passport then we'll make sure you get one before we leave for New Zealand. Anyone else without a passport?"

I glared at the ladies then back to the one in front of me in particular. They all remained silent and I watched Luis escort them out of my office.

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