14. Get a Room

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"Turn right here and follow the road," Green instructed.

Vanessa tried not to roll her eyes. So far she had learned three things about her pre-ordained mate. He was stubborn, he was smug and he didn't see the point of spending hours finding the perfect place to stay for the night. This was going to be four very long months.

At least it would only be months and not an entire life. No one knew what, exactly, the mating bond was or why it occurred among some wolves. Traditionally, the pack elders claimed that it was a blessing of the Moon Goddess and her way to influence the future and bloodlines of her beloved people. To separate two mates was seen as the ultimate offense of the capricious deity that still infused so much of werewolf society. That which the Goddess has brought together, may no wolf tear apart.

More modern wolves claimed it had all to do with DNA, nature's way to produce superior offspring. Although, the last theory appealed to Vanessa who didn't believe in a Moon Goddess any more than she believed in little green men on Mars. However, there was sadly as little evidence to substantiate theory as the Goddess nonsense. Werewolves had learned the hard way to stay far away from research facilities. The superior offspring couldn't explain why wolves of the same gender could be mated and it made little sense that one would be able to change a genetic predisposition by speaking a couple of sentences.

Vanessa thought the whole thing smacked of magic. It would be just like a coven of witches to interfere with other peoples' love lives. She'd have to talk to Letitia about it. If it was a spell doing this to her there had to be a way to lift it with or without Green's name.

She snuck a glance at him. He was studying the map on the phone in front of him. A frown of concentration furrowed his brow. Vanessa clenched her hands to keep from reaching out and smoothing out his frown.

Turning her eyes back to the road she tried to concentrate on the road. When she was little she'd thought of the possibility of finding her mate as a blessing. Now she considered it a curse.

"And left up here," Green said, drawing her attention back to him.

"I said turn left! No! Left! Jesus Christ, woman!" he exclaimed and ducked into his seat as she managed to somehow swerve onto the gravel road at the very last moment and nearly hit a tree in the process.

When the car came to a full stop Vanessa considered her options. Maybe she could kill him off? A quick bite to the neck and dump him somewhere along the road? She knew what to do, she'd done before.Vanessa took a deep breath and tried to control her temper.

"It is very stressful to drive when someone is shouting at you," she ground out.

"It's even more stressful to continuously have near-death experiences because you're sitting in a car with someone who can't drive!"

Vanessa scowled at him. "If you think that bullying me is somehow going to get you behind the wheel of this car then you are barking up the wrong tree."

"I don't fucking care about driving I just want to stay alive!" he growled.

"You're free to leave anytime. And do you have to curse in every single sentence? Do you not have a large enough vocabulary to express yourself?"

He rolled his eyes at her.

"You curse just as much as I do," he told her.

"I do not!"

"'... and then I'll fucking piss on it'" he mimicked in a high pitched voice Vanessa was fairly sure sounded nothing like her.

"I only use them for emphasis, you use them for everything," she said irritably and turned her head to scowl at him.

Green - a werewolf storyWhere stories live. Discover now