4. How at the Moon

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"That would explain why you still stood out to him even though I've tried to contain your wolf side," Letitia said pensively. "He wouldn't recognize you as his mate, but he would notice you and maybe ..."

"He is not my mate! I don't have a mate!"

"How do you know?"

Vanessa spluttered.

"Mates are incredibly rare, even among alfas, which is something I'm definitely not. And I am not mated to a bloody pack wolf! That is not happening!"

"Okay, well at least he's attractive and nice so ..."

"Nice? He's not nice! He threatened to bite my head off!" she growled at Letitia.

"But he didn't actually do it. Nor did he chain you up in a cell or torture you before trying to sell you off to hunters. For a pack wolf, that's pretty nice."

Vanessa couldn't reply. She was too angry.

"Well, it doesn't matter now anyway. You left and you're not coming back," Letitia said quickly.

"That's right. I'm not coming back. Because he forced me to leave."

Letitia sighed.

"I know. And I'm sorry, Nessa I really am. You know you're always welcome here if you want to."

Vanessa rested her forehead on her hands clutching the stearing wheel.

"Thanks, Lettie. I wish I could, but I don't ..."

"...want to lead anyone to us, yes, Nessa I know," Letitia said tiredly.

"It's true! You don't know what they can do!"

"I think I have a fair idea. You know, I deal with other super naturals on a daily basis. Frankly, I'm a bit disappointed that you think so little of my abilities."

Vanessa opened her mouth to retort, but didn't get to say anything before Letitia carried on.

"That being said, I respect your choices and I know you keep yourself away from us out of love so I won't give you grief over it. But you are always welcome here if you need somewhere to stay. Always."

For a second Vanessa was tempted to take her up on her offer. She had stayed with Letitia for four months back when she was living in New Orleans and she had had the time of her life. Lettie had somehow nestled her way in under all of the walls she had kept in place to protect herself and those around her. She felt more like a sister than a friend. Then Vanessa remembered the mess that had caused her to leave New Orleans in the first place and sighed.

"I know Lettie, I wish I could."

"I wish you could too," Letitia said and they fell into a companionable silence. Then she heard Letitia take a deep breath."That's enough of that. You need to get your ass back on the road. There's a full moon tonight and you have to be prepared. Do you still have the pills I sent you if it gets too much?"

"Yes,mam. Sure do, mam."

"Good. And call me if anything happens and I mean anything."

"I know, I will."

"Make sure you do. Love you, girl. Talk soon okay?"

"Love you too. Yeah, will do. Give my best to Maria."

"Okay, I need to go now or I'll start bawling. I look forward to meeting your mate, sweetie," Letitia said and hung up.

Vanessa stared at her phone for a second, then threw it angrily on the passenger seat.

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