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Aiden Colt, or Green as he'd gotten used to being called over the last week or so stared at the woman on the other side of the bed. Her curly, light brown hair was dirty and streaked with blood. He didn't care. He reached out and ran his hand down her cheek the way he had again and again since his sister and her husband had brought her to the Thrall residence that morning.

She'd been covered in blood and Letitia had looked so worried when she saw her that Green had stopped breathing. Now she stirred and opened her eyes.

"Hi," she said, smiling.


"Are we alive?" she asked.


"Are you angry?"


Vanessa sighed and turned to face the other way around.

"Hey!" he said and pulled her back so she was facing him again.

"I won't talk to you if you're angry," Vanessa said. "I'm enjoying us both being alive too much to deal with your bad temper."

"I'm not angry at you," Aiden muttered and moved closer, putting his arm around her. He was never happy these days unless he was touching her.

"No?" she asked drowsily. She probably wouldn't mind going back to sleep for a few more hours before having to deal with any of the consequences of what had happened the night before.

He couldn't let her do that. He'd promised Lettie not to wake her, but now that she was awake he didn't want to miss out on another moment with her.

"No," he said. "I'm angry with myself for starting a fight with a stupid vampire. They'd never have gotten close enough to attack if everyone hadn't already been busy fighting each other."

"They'd have found a way," Vanessa said. "Don't blame yourself."

Aiden frowned. It would take a long time before he could forgive himself for putting her and his family at risk. And speaking of risk...

"If you ever do what you did last night again I swear I'll tie you up."

"Do what?" Vanessa asked, one side of her mouth turning up in a smile that made him melt inside.

"Any of the things you did last night," he grumbled.

Vanessa laughed and placed a kiss on his nose. "I don't think I can marry you again and I definitely hope I won't have to deliver a baby or save your life again either."

"I can't believe I was married while I was unconscious."

Vanessa smiled wide. "If you hadn't been so heroic we wouldn't have had to necessitate you using magic. Next time, just hide with me in the back instead."

"Mm and deliver a pair of magical twins with zero equipment? No, thank you," he said and he meant it. Abby had filled him in after he regained consciousness and he'd been sick on the floor just thinking about it. "I'll take a pack of rabid wolves any day."

Vanessa laughed. "Yeah. Good point. By the way, do you know how I got here?"

"Alyssa and Ben brought you and the baby here and Letitia speeded up your healing process."

"And the alfa?" she asked, though she sounded as if she already knew.

"Ben shot him with a silver bullet, but it his shoulder and he ran off before he could fire again."

"How did they find me?"

"I told you, Alyssa is great at nearly everything. She showed up soon after you left and then she tracked you. Abby still had your dress."

Green - a werewolf storyWhere stories live. Discover now