45. Vital

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Vanessa stumbled over to the door where Letitia caught her.

"What's happened? Is he okay? What's wrong?"

"He jumped in front of me when two of those wolves tried to tear my throat out and he... It's best to let you see for yourself."

"But he'll be alright, won't he?" Vanessa asked.

Letitia hesitated and Vanessa grasped her arms. "Won't he?"

"We're doing everything we can. Mom and Maria are doing the best healing they can."

Vanessa nodded, feeling as if her words were coming from far away. He had to be okay, he had to. She couldn't imagine a world where Aiden Colt didn't exist. She didn't want to and that last thought jolted her. When had he come to mean so much to her?

"Mom says you need to be there for the next part of the healing. Something about the mate bond."

"Of course," Vanessa said. "Anything."

Letitia took her hand. "He really did save me. I owe..."

"No! What's that? What's happening?"

Letitia and Vanessa turned back to the new parents to find them staring at their children with a mixture of incredulity and fear.

"What's wrong?" Letitia asked, rushing over and leaving Vanessa in the door.

"Their hair! Look at their hair!" Ted said and held up his daughter.

Vanessa gasped. The charcoal black hair on her head she remembered from when she'd pulled them out of... better not linger on that bit or she might never have children of her own. Anyway, that hair had turned stark white. It looked out of place on the tiny, mocha colored body.

"Are they sick?" Ted asked as Letitia took the child in her arms and closed her eyes for a second. Then she smiled.

"She's perfectly fine," Letitia said and handed the baby back to her father. Then she took the boy from Abby and did the same with him. "So is he."

"Then why did their hair turn white? That's not normal!"

"I said they were fine," Letitia reiterated. "I never said they were normal."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ted snapped.

"There's nothing wrong with your babies. They have extraordinary talents, it's not so odd that they would have extraordinary looks to with them."

"Talents? What..."

"Boss?" a man asked from the door, making Vanessa jump. She'd been so focused on the children that she hadn't heard Ted's guard approach.

"What is it, Will?" Ted asked.

"We've tracked them to a warehouse on the other side of town. Do you want us to attack?"

"Yes," Ted said, handling his daughter back to her mother. "We'll finish them tonight."

"Be careful," Abby told him.

"Always," he said and bent down to place a kiss on her cheek.

The guard cleared his throat. "Congratulations on becoming parents."

"Thank you," Abby said, smiling at him.

"I'll be back before you know it," Ted told Abby and walked to the door. He paused next to Vanessa. "Abby told me what you did. Thank you."

"Of course."

Ted held out his bloody hand and Vanessa grasped it with her own. Then he followed Will out.

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