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The atmosphere was tensed inside the car, Salaar was driving while his mind was wondering about the happenings of his life.

He had accepted her request but was he really melting towards her ?

Will he really forgive her for his parents death ?

They reached the stores and get inside , all the while in car, Salaar noticed that she didn't  move an inch of her body, she was sitting straight and her hand were on her thighs.

Sometime he scared that " Is she even breathing or not?".

Excuse me sir, actually we have to change Mam's glasses power.

One of the sales man said to Salaar


Because the power she is using is 5 to 6 year old and I am sure she might be not able to see properly all these years.

Salaar tries remind when was last she changed her glasses or specs but he fails because she never changed her glasses since she started wearing it.

He tried to gulped the tears forming in his eyes.

"Are you okay sir?" I am fi.fine

What do we need to do for the new power glasses?

Just a small check up sir and with the new power glasses we will give you that in your choosed frame.


Myra.... He called

She came towards them and being an introvert she stand behind his brother.

Excuse mam please come with us we need to do some check ups..

Suddenly Myra felt nervous and she held her brother sleeves and look up and said

I don't want to go please..

Salaar felt unknown emotions but he kept his face cold.

They are just going to examine your eyes and nothing, stop being a baby.

Myra quickly leaves his sleeves and move a little back scared with his expression.

Please come this side mam ....the sales guy said

Myra quickly move towards the cabin, she didn't look back again because she knew her brother will never love her like a normal sibling .

Salaar was silently observing everything, her scared and sad face because of his rudeness.

He was sitting on the bench outside with his head in hands and elbows on knees.

Sir we need to put some eyedrop in her eyes but she is denying to do that.

Okay I am coming.

Salaar quickly walk towards the cabin, Myra was sitting on a chair with closed eyes.

Why are you not taking drops?

They hurts bhaii

Mam that because your eyes are really week and veins are shrinking but taking these will make you feel good after sometime.

No I will not they hurt so much please give me some medicine i'll have them but not these.

They are important for your eyes Myra and I know My Myra is brave right...

Salaar sighed and said softly and Myra was shocked because first time in life her brother talking to her softly.

Myra is strong and she can take many drops like these .... Right Myra?

Salaar said smiling while combing her soft hairs back and it melts Myra's heart into puddle and she nodded like child with tears in her eyes.

The attendant put the drops in Myra's eyes and she hissed

Salaar holds her hand in his and chuckled that how small her hands in comparison to his.

While holding her hands Salaar made a decision that he will never ever let any harm near his baby sister, he will always stay like a wall before her.

The End

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