The Manager-2

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Her waist length hairs playing with winds falls on her face moving them from her face to shoulders she plays adorable smile with kohl filled eyes, face glowing with day's first rays as after a long night with her bike Saima reached the hilltop of the city which gifted her a beautiful scene to start her day.

huhh least someone is happy with me. 

Stretching her arms in air Saima feels relaxed and motivated for her weekends. Looking back where her beauty was shining with sun glow and it tires filled with mud showed the fun she had last night.

Let's go baby....Saima said and sit on the bike while wearing her helmet. Giving a hard ignition she started her bike with a boost and raced back towards the city. The rash winds falling on her face make her feel alive again, picking her accelerator high even in the bustling market made her more wild and free that she didn't even noticed the crossing and the red light, In speed she was about to hit someone when her senses worked and she took hard break.

Her bike tires screech and skit the road but she handled it on time.

Oh My God! saying she looked back 

A Man was lying on the road with his groceries almost destroyed.

Jumping out of her bike Saima removed her helmet resulting her loose hair bun to open and falls on her shoulders , the actions few mins before caused a red hue on her face and the golden nose ring shined with the sun rays.

People helping the poor man on the road stopped and remain shocked to see a beauty under that helmet and forgets about the man who was had no different from other when he saw her.

Saima was watching that everyone just froze on their places instead of helping that man, she quickly push the rush aside and kneeled down in front of the injured man and she got another shock after the accident.

"Ap thik toh- Arish!?
(Arey you okey- Arish!?)

The same deep black eyes was staring back into hers, absorbing all her deep down secrets which know knew that Saima holds.

The childlike naughtiness like a kid Saima holds, her eyes are ways to explore her in most intimate way.

Arish have seen many women in his life and Saima is no different, Sharp, beautiful, manipulative and cunning this is the definition of a women Arish holds by his experience till now and those big bubbly eyes nerdy innocents doesn't exist in real except  the frictional character.

Ah!..Tum mujhse kya badla le rhi ho?
( Are you taking revenge from me?)

Arish said while trying stand with her help, he had some wound around his elbow, forehead and chest but not something serious.

"Badla Lena hota to madad ka haath nhi badhati, yahi pada hua chor ke bhag jati"
( If I have to take revenge I would never had helped instead have left you here)

Saima furiously said  after helping him standing, looking around him she realised that he was there for grocery shopping but now there's nothing left edible.

" And I am sorry for this "

She casually said Pointing towards the things destroyed on the road.

Arish sighed while seeing around  his hard earned money on road destroyed, these have cost him 10 thousands and here he have pay for it again.

He kneeled and dusted his clothes and tried to save the remains but nothing left, the lentils packet had teared and got mixed with oil and sugar, veggies were crushed due to traffic.

Arish was a strong man but when it comes to his family he was nothing but just a middle class boy, surviving the economy helping his fathers to educating his younger siblings.

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