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Ten minutes after Harry unplugged me from all of my medications and snuck me out to the hospital, I was sitting in his car as he drove way over the speed limit to an unknown location. I was scared, to be completely honest, and yet I didn't try to stop him from doing whatever it was. The way he took out everything from my body that was keeping me alive, the way he hauled me into his car without explanation, and the way he was driving like a maniac and not saying a word to me was frightening. 

When he first started driving, he glanced over at me for a second before putting his attention back on the road. "Look, Emma. I'm sorry. Just let me exp-"

"No. Just don't talk to me," I interrupted him.

I expected him to make up some excuse about how Quinn McPhee was only a drunken mistake, or they were only friends or something. I didn't want to hear it because frankly, I wouldn't believe it. I saw those pictures with my own eyes, and you don't have to be a rocket scientist to realize that they were on a date.

He didn't say another word, although I wanted nothing more than to hear his beautiful voice, to have our easy conversations, to curl up against his chest, to run my fingers through his hair, and to feel his lips upon mine. I wanted him to glance at me like he usually did when we were in the car, a cheeky smile plastered to his face. I wanted to forget how much he hurt me, but I couldn't. I couldn't run back to him, and let him step all over me again and again. I couldn't give him the satisfaction, and so I sat quietly, trying to stop my curiosity from getting the best of me and asking where he was taking me.

You are probably thinking, "If he hurt you so bad, then why did you let him take you? Why didn't you protest and try to get away from him?" and honestly, I was asking myself the same thing. I guess it was because when you love someone as much as I loved Harry, despite how much he made me suffer, you feel so much better in their presence. Because you simply can't live without them.

Harry sped on for another forty five minutes or so, keeping his eyes on the road, never looking over at me or saying anything again. I was disappointed. I wanted him to insist that he was wrong, to beg for my forgiveness, to kiss my cheek and ask me if things could go back to the way they were before he left. It felt unnatural to be with him and not be holding hands or talking about the most random things. And yet, he did none of that, and the more I thought about it, the more I yearned for it.

Right then, I was so torn between wanting to hug him and wanting to slap him. I was torn between wanting to have him in my life and wanting him never to see me again. I was torn between wanting to love him, and wanting to hate him, and that hurt me more than he could.


"No. Just don't talk to me," Emma spat at me in her weak, dry voice.

The Boy That Saved My Life (Harry Styles Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt