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When I woke up the next morning, my eyes immediately landed on Emma. I studied her for quite a few minutes, taking time to analyze her flawless pale skin, plump rosy lips, cute button nose, and naturally blushed cheeks. Her baldness didn't bother me at all, in fact, I liked it. Small bunches of peach fuzz had already bloomed- creating a soft, childlike effect. The longer I stared at my girlfriend- the love of my life- the more I had an urge to kiss her. I finally gave into myself, lowering my face so my lips could lightly touch her head, the little hairs tickling my mouth.

Not wanting to wake her, I moved my head back onto my pillow, letting my mind escape to my thoughts. The night before had really shown me how much Emma had changed me. Before her, I would sleep with a girl the night we met and never speak to her again. Emma and I had been together for a couple of months, and we hadn't really gone further than kissing. It's not that I wasn't attracted to her- trust me, I was- it was just that I cared about her too much. I didn't want to use her like I had with so many other girls. I wanted to cherish her, to make her happy, to make her feel beautiful. I didn't want to have meaningless sex with her, like I had with the others, I wanted to make love with her when the time was right.

My mind drifted to another event that happened the night before. The entire night, she was lost in her thoughts, and I knew exactly what they were. I could see the worry on her face, the sadness in her eyes. It hurt me that she knew that her grave was only so long away, that she wouldn't be able to live the rest of her life. If only she had known that it was hurting me one million times more than it was to her. 

I thought about the last thing she said to me before falling asleep.

"You promised me that you would help me finish my bucket list." 

The image of Emma pleading in my mind made me remember all of the promises that I had made to her. The promises that I intended on keeping. I slowly got out of bed and tiptoed to my dresser where her bucket list was laying. I skimmed it over, thinking about how I could help her accomplish all of the tasks- especially in her condition. 

1.) Go to an awards show. ✓

2.) Get a tattoo.

3.) Kiss someone in the rain. ✓

4.) Jump out of a plane.

5.) Become a world-known artist.

6.) Fall in love. ✓

7.) Have a baby.

8.) Spend a whole day at the beach.

9.) Move out of this house. ✓

10.) Cry happy tears.

The Boy That Saved My Life (Harry Styles Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora