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"Do you have everything?" my mom asked for the billionth time while pacing around our driveway.

I finally took a deep breath, pushing down my annoyance, and planted my hands on her shoulders. "Mom, I already told you, I have everything. Calm down."

She took a good look at me, swallowing the tears that I knew were rising. "I just... are you sure this is a good idea? You're ready for this?"

A small smile knitted itself on my mouth as I wrapped my arms around my mother's torso. "This is what I want mom, I really do."

Just then, I heard the trunk of Harry's Range Rover close, sealing all of my belongings inside. I unlatched from my mom and made my way to Harry. Before I got into the car, I looked back at my parents, who were waving me off with sad smiles on their faces.

"Take good care of her," my dad called out to Harry.

"I promise," Harry responded before turning around and starting up the car.

After all of the waiting, the doctor finally said I could go home. My parents, being their usual overprotective selves, assumed that I would move back in with them, but Harry had other plans. He asked- no, begged- me to move in with him, explaining that most of my stuff was already at his flat from completing one of the tasks on my bucket list. The more I thought about the idea of living with him full time, the more appealing it sounded. For once I would be able to be with Harry without being plugged up to machines or being supervised by a nurse. It would be perfect.

My mind was somewhere else on the way to my new home, mostly just looking back on my life, my time with Harry, and wondering what the future would hold for us. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt a big hand on my knee. I looked up at Harry, who was watching me from the corner of his eyes. I smiled, the excitement washing over me yet again. The corners of his mouth pursed up, his eyes glancing at me for a second before looking back at the rode.

After a few more minutes of driving, we finally arrived. Harry parked his car and got the few of my belongings out of his trunk while I followed behind him impatiently. When we got into the luxurious flat, I was surprised to see Louis standing there, with half a dozen cardboard boxes surrounding him. He looked up from the box he was currently taping shut, and gave me a warm smile.

"Hey Emma. Don't worry, I'll have my stuff out in no time."

Just as I was about to assure him that he could take as long as he needed, Harry placed his hand on my arm and leaned into me. "Can you take this stuff into the bedroom while I talk to Louis?"

I nodded, and took everything in Harry's hands, although I knew that he said it just to get me out of the room. I walked out of the room and started down the hall, but immediately stopped when I heard Harry's voice. I couldn't hold back my curiosity- I had to listen. 

"Thanks man, for moving out and all, it means a lot," I heard my boyfriend's gravelly voice say.

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