Chapter 20 : Disapproval

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(Axel making Nyx a snowman cause he asked for it)

Axel's Pov:

I was all warmed up and cozy before I woke up to cold air hitting on my face like sharp slaps .
I pulled the cover over shivering and my teeth literally chartering due to the freezing air.

The room was extremely cold and the window was slightly open letting the cold air of December wash in. I glanced beside me to find Nyx wasn't there.

Must be making breakfast.
I thought groggily and got up shivering with the blankets still wrapped around me and hissed when my warm feet landed on the cold floor. The room heater wasn't as effective against the cold winds entering and cooling the room.

I went near the window , shivering and sealed it shut.

I sighed when the room heaters hot air hit my face and looked outside.

It was snowing. Everywhere I looked it was covered in white snow.

And wow it looked so beautiful , so aesthetically pretty.

My whole garden was covered in white snow and the decorations and lights for Christmas Nyx set up was still on aince last night.

I smiled as I stared at my backyard.

He indeed used every stupid thing we bought to some use and now my front and backyard looked like some Christmas party venue .

I would have went back to sleep if I didn't saw some movement in the snow.

I squinted my eyes and tried to see what it was digging up snow in my property.

And then I saw it , a figure lying in snow. Wait a minute ! Wait a goddamn minute.

It isn't a it, it's a he. And by he ,
Nyx Venatores you're in trouble.

I narrowed my eyes and crossed my arms.

I'm so done with this telle tubbie bitch.
Then I realised that I didn't saw a shirt on his body.

I glanced back and,


The cute dumbass which I love dearly was laying in snow only in his shorts and socks making a snow Angel.

And the smile on his face which I can see from here seemed so genuine and practically radiated happiness.
He looked so gorgeous that I can't even calm the butterflies in my stomach.

I opened the window despite the cold winds.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" I yelled. His face snapped towards me and he gave me this goofy grin.

" I'm making snow angels!"
He yelled back and there was this giddiness in his voice. I shook my head amused.

" Get your ass back in right now Nyx!" I shouted crossing my arms.

" But it's funnnnnnnnnn!"he whined dragging the 'n' in fun.

" Get in or no kisses for you!" I said smirking.

I swear I blinked , just blinked because he was there one second ago and now he's not there.

Frowning I peaked my head out to see where he went, but I felt warm breath on my neck that startled me.

"Hmmm how about now? Do I get those kisses?" He whispered behind me turn around quickly.

"How about no?" I said fake smiling.

"Aww why?!?" He whined and pouted.

" I have morning breath and you are naked. So you go and put something on!" I said pushing him away and closing the window.

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