Chapter 29 : Captured

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Axel's Pov:

I huffed out in annoyance as I sat at the washroom's sink and tried to clean my shirt.

I had an important meeting in twenty minutes and I was getting late.

The coffee that was spilled over me was going to stain no doubt and the boy who spilled it on me was removing more like trying to remove the stain. He kept apologizing for the shirt and tried to help.
I told him it's ok and I'll change but he kept insisting that he'd clean it before my meeting.


It was lunch time and I stopped at Starbucks for a coffee .

When I entered a man spilled his coffee all over me.
He gasped and stepped away.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to.

I am sorry I wasn't watching where I was going! I'm extremely sorry !" He apologized again and again frantically.

"It's okay! I'll clean it up before my meeting." I spoke politely though I was utterly annoyed.

"Oh man! Shit I ruined it before your meeting. I feel horrible.
Please let me clean or find you some spare shirt .

It's the least I can do and I better be quick before it stains!" He spoke. He motioned for me to follow him to men's toilet.

That was weird but seeing I had time and maybe I don't have to run home to change it so I went to the washroom to try clean it up.

And that's how I ended up here.
When I went in and he asked me to take off my shirt and he gave me his jacket.

He started rubbing it with water.
I felt uneasy around him.

Something was not right, he seemed to be robotic as if all that he said and all this ,his movements and things he was doing as it was scripted.

He was being monotonous like he learned and this was how this was supposed to go.

Maybe I was being paranoid so I shrugged it off.
He glanced at me and then my locket.

"Oh this is really beautiful! Where did you get it ?" He asked curious.

" Oh my boyfriend gifted me this"I said gritting my teeth in annoyance as he moved to touch it shamelessly.

"Itt's obsidian filled with liquids.
That's difficult and cool. Must be expensive, your boyfriend is a witchy type I guess." He spoke without looking.

This was getting awkward and weird.
I was getting a bad feeling in my gut.

"You know leave it. I'll be late. " I said grabbing my shirt from him moving to leave.

" Oh but the stain-" he spoke but I cut him off.

" Let it be I'll wash it "I spoke and I snatched it off him completely.

He purposely tumbled towards me as if I jerked him roughly and my locket fell off my neck.

He groaned again while leaning over me

" Seriously Man, what is wrong with me ?" He said and bent down to pick it up .

" Exactly dude what's wrong with you? Leave me alone!"I grumbled in annoyance.

He gave it to me without hesitation.

" I'm sorry and I think I should leave before I do something stupid!" With that he left.

" Good riddance." I scoffed.

The moment I put it back on the locket seem too cold.
The warm protective feeling that came with it was gone.

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