Chapter 28 : Marked

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Edit: More descriptive scenes. Reread if you wish

Nyx's Pov:

We spent four days in Elysian Meadows.

When the time came to leave Axle wasn't ready to leave and I literally have to drag him here so he can go to work. We had a weird dynamic but it fits us so no problem.

We came back to Axel's Mansion with handful of stuff.

My stuff.

I bought useless stuff, again , to decorate Axel's Mansion. But this time Axel was totally on my side and he encouraged me to buy more stuff and also he bought many things too.

' A memo from the supernatural world' he had said when he legit stole one of my witch book from my Library. I apparently let him in and performed few spells and did some potion infront of him and he was so fascinated by how easily I did the potion magic he was sure that he could do it too.

Well he's not wrong, mostly strong potions require magic and most of them were just brewing and shit so he could If he wanted to .

I didn't mind and let him take it.
Whereas for the decorations I bought , well I indeed used up all the stuff I brought somewhere in the house.

Even the chandelier.

Yes , I may or may not have bought a 8 feet chandelier and got it delivered here.
He was incredulous about the chandelier but I bought it anyway.

He was flabbergasted to see that I somehow managed to hang the 'little' chandelier which was 8 feet in the living room.

"Lesson learned. Don't question Nyx's abilities" he said at that time.

He wanted to visit again and it was easy to tell . He would get lost in his thoughts and then sighed and then frowned when he saw his room instead of mine.
That place was so serenic that it would hook you to itself.

The environment there was very peaceful and safe for everyone even the human servants were treated with so much respect.

I didn't need to compel anyone as
I forgot he was the CEO and could take few days off plus we went on Friday and came back on monday so it wasn't a big deal.

Sometimes I forget that he's a CEO , actually sometimes I even forget he's a dom . I don't know how to say this but
our life fell into a pattern , like that of a married couple.

He would go to work and come back later in the evening, we would eat dinner and then spend time together.
Then we would sleep in each other's arms peacefully.
It became a routine , and it had been weeks since we came back from the trip to the Meadows.

The 'night' had been buried as an act of past and was no longer brought up.

We started being little intimate again. It started from simple kisses in the beginning, to makeouts, to gropes, to flirting , then few days ago we showered together and I gave him a handjob.
This time it was slow, really slow. We were walking cautiously and trying to understand each other more thoroughly.

The summer was coming soon and it was already a little warm as April's warm sunlight felt like bliss on skin. Only as long as I wore my daylight ring , if not , well than its nothing but barbeque outside for me then.
But still the most intimate we were was when we showered again with each other two days ago and I had the courage to take him into my mouth.
I could proudly say , I gave my man a nice head.

Anyway , coming to the present Today was an ordinary Tuesday which would have been more normal if Axel and I weren't sitting in his office right now and staring into each other's faces.

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