Chapter 48

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Okay guys... This chapter was a labor of love, because when I tell you that I had NO motivation to write the rest of this today, I mean it! It took four hours, but here it is! It was originally supposed to be longer, so it ends on a bit of a cliffhanger! ;) Let me know what you think! Thank you all for reading and loving this story as much as I do

"Time to get up," S.S. Wagner's voice called, jolting Mila awake as it did every morning.

She'd gotten even less sleep than usual last night, unable to slow the racing thoughts jumbled inside her head. She'd scanned the lines of Josef's letter over and over again, searching his words for some hidden meaning she'd missed. She hadn't found any though. No clue as to what his plan was, or if he had a plan for that matter. She'd decided on one thing though. Today, she would give up the thing she'd been clinging to the past two weeks. She would give them what they wanted.

S.S. Wagner grabbed her arm, jerking her out of the fetal position she'd been lying in, to her feet. Wasting no time, he pulled her towards the door.

"Wait," She said, tugging her arm from his grasp.

"Let's go," He said, the exasperation evident on his face. Gripping her arm more roughly this time, he pulled her forward. "Mila, come on ... Don't make this any harder."

"I'll tell you," She blurted out.

"What?" S.S. Wagner looked down at her.

"I'll tell you everything," She repeated, drawing in a deep breath. "Just don't take me back to him."

"Wait here," He said, releasing her arm and turning on his heel.

She stood there, motionless, as she waited. What would happen once she gave up the information she had? Would Wagner let S.S. Meyer torture her anyway? Would she be taken somewhere else, or kept here? She had little time to think over the possibilities, S.S. Wagner returning after only a brief moment.

"Sit down," He gestured to the bed as he pulled up the metal chair that was normally stationed beside the door. She sat down on the mattress, watching as he sat down opposite her in the chair. Pulling a small, black box from his coat pocket, he flipped a switch, a red light flickering to life on the front of the box. Tossing it, the tape recorder landed with a thud onto the mattress beside her. "You said you'd tell me everything," He said, nodding towards the recorder. "Go ahead."

And she did. She told him everything. What had happened to her father and brother, and how Heinrich Muller had been the one to kill them. How she'd become an SIS informant. How she'd found Josef on her doorstep, and subsequently saved his life. How it'd been she, who'd passed the information about the supply transports to the British, leading to their capture.

She told him everything, every last detail spilling from her lips like a flash flood after a heavy rain. She wouldn't have been able to stop herself if she'd tried, but she didn't want to. She hadn't realized how much she'd kept bottled up, unable to tell the truth, in its entirety, to anyone. It felt nice to be telling it now, even if it were to a Gestapo official whose only goal was to use it all against her.

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