Chapter 6

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Mila walked down the sidewalk, her scarf wrapped snugly around her neck as flurries of snow fell from the sky, melting as soon as they touched the ground

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Mila walked down the sidewalk, her scarf wrapped snugly around her neck as flurries of snow fell from the sky, melting as soon as they touched the ground. It had been snowing on and off for nearly a week now, though Den Haag's first actual snow wouldn't come for nearly another month.

Mila had left the office as soon as Mr. Muller had dismissed her. Upon leaving, she had turned down the familiar street she now found herself on. The street leading to the Lingard's house. Opening the wrought iron gate, Mila climbed the steps leading to the front door and knocked. After a moment, it opened, revealing a rather surprised Catherine.

"Mila, what are you doing here? Our next meeting isn't until next Tuesday. Is it not?" Catherine said, moving aside for Mila to come in.

"It isn't," Mila replied, stepping inside. "But I thought there was something you should know." Catherine's brows furrowed in concern.

"Sit down, I'll get Harvey," she said, retreating down the hall. Mila walked over to the sofa and took a seat. After a moment, Harvey entered the room, Catherine following close behind.

"What's happened?" Harvey asked, wearing the same concerned expression as Catherine.

"That officer I saved?" Mila began, deciding it best to cut to the chase. "He works at the War Office. He's been made head of security. Apparently, the Reich feels the city needs more after the assassination attempt on Eichmann last month."

Harvey and Catherine exchanged a knowing look.

"Mila, what exactly will he be doing?" Catherine asked.

"Eichmann didn't really say. Just that he would be in charge of security," Mila replied. The Lingards exchanged another look. "What?" Mila questioned, looking at the pair of them.

"I want you to steer clear of this man," Harvey spoke, his expression more serious than usual.


"Because ... I don't think this officer is just an officer."

Mila's brows furrowed in confusion, but Harvey pressed on.

"If I had to guess, the Germans believe the Resistance had help in planning that assassination attempt last month. And who better to get help from, than someone on the inside?"

"So they think there's a mole?"

Harvey nodded. "Now all of the sudden, this officer shows up and is made head of security? Somethings missing from the story."

"What are you saying?" Mila asked.

"I'm saying stay away from this Captain Fischer ... I don't think he's here to be some glorified bodyguard for the general."

Mila looked from Harvey to Catherine and back again.

"You think he's here-,"

"To catch you," Harvey cut in, finishing her question.


I decided to post this short chapter for you guys tonight. It's more of a filler but I thought it was fitting! I'd appreciate your votes and comments! Ya'll are awesome :)

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