Chapter 12

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 YAYY FOR A NEW CHAPPIE! I guess the character aesthetics did the trick because after a solid 4 hours, I finally have you guys a new update! I really love this chapter

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YAYY FOR A NEW CHAPPIE! I guess the character aesthetics did the trick because after a solid 4 hours, I finally have you guys a new update! I really love this chapter... it's one I've had in mind for a while now, and I'm so happy with how it turned out! As always, I'd love to hear what you guys think!

Standing in front of the mirror, Mila eyed the blue sweater she had chosen from her closet, taking special care as she fastened each button with shaking fingers.

She had been pacing around the house all morning in nervous anticipation of Josef's arrival. She didn't know why she was so unnerved. Maybe it was the fact she had failed entirely, thus far, to gather any useful information from Josef, or maybe it was the fact that the files she had been asked to copy earlier that week hadn't gleaned the tiniest bit of information for her to go on about the transports. She had hoped the files would've at least given her a clue ... Something to bring up casually in their conversation. But, the files had made no mention of the transports that were scheduled for Berlin ... Not the slightest mention of a time, date, or place.

Smoothing down the front of her sweater, she stole one last glance in the mirror before walking out of the bedroom, and into the kitchen. Grabbing her red, wool coat from the hook beside the door, she slipped it on and buttoned it up. Josef had said to dress warm, but as hard as she racked her brain, she hadn't been able to figure out what he had in store for the afternoon.

Peeking behind the curtain, she looked out the window. A fresh layer of snow had fallen during the night and on through the morning, the bright rays of the afternoon sun glinting off the white surface, making her eyes burn as they adjusted to the glare. It was a beautiful day, a welcomed change from the icy gloom the city had been engulfed in over the past month.

Her eyes traveled down the street as the sound of tires crunching through snow filled her ears, watching as the familiar, sleek gray of Josef's car came into view. Grabbing her hat and scarf from the hook, she slipped them on, grabbing her bag from the kitchen table just in time to hear a knock against the door.

"Hello," She said after she had opened the door, her eyes falling on Josef, who was dressed in civilian clothes instead of his uniform. She eyed the navy flannel button down he wore underneath his gray coat. As absurd as it was, she had grown so used to his uniform she hadn't considered that he might actually own real clothes. "I almost didn't recognize you," She joked, gesturing to his outfit.

"I'm off duty this weekend," He grinned, grabbing her hand as they made their way off the porch. "Besides, I didn't really think the uniform would be appropriate for what I have planned."

"What exactly do you have planned?" She asked, climbing into the passenger seat of the car after he had opened the door for her.

"It's a surprise," He smirked, closing the door before she could protest.

"You know I don't like surprises," She said once he had gotten in on the other side and started the car.

"I know," He replied, his smirk growing wider. "It makes surprising you that much more fun."

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