Chapter 32

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Happy Sunday lovies!! Here's Chapter 32 FINALLY! Life has (as always it seems) been so crazy lately, but I've finally found the energy/time to sit down and give you a worthwhile chapter! Let me know what you guys think

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Happy Sunday lovies!! Here's Chapter 32 FINALLY! Life has (as always it seems) been so crazy lately, but I've finally found the energy/time to sit down and give you a worthwhile chapter! Let me know what you guys think. It's a bit of a filler, but a necessary filler nonetheless. Thank you so much for ya'll's support and love for this story! Reading your comments and seeing your votes makes my day! <3

"Hello sir," Mila greeted the General as she entered the meeting room for the daily security briefing. General Eichmann sat alone at the conference table, looking over that day's agenda as he always did before each meeting. He looked up, a mixture of surprise and confusion painted across his face as his eyes fell on her.

"My apologies Ms. Vanderwall," He said, standing to his feet. "But I'm afraid we won't be needing you this afternoon."

"Oh..." She blinked, letting go of the chair she was about to pull back from the table. Taking a step back, she looked up at him properly.

"I sent word to Mr. Muller ... I take it he didn't tell you," He stated matter-of-factly. He didn't seem angry, but his expression looked tense nonetheless.

"No sir," She shook her head.

"I'm sorry about the misunderstanding," He said, managing a sympathetic smile.

"Sir," She paused, choosing her next words carefully. "Have ... Have I done something wro-," She was cut off by the sound of the door opening. Lieutenant Hoffmann entered the room, his eyes connecting with Mila's instantly, his lips curving into a smile at the sight of her. She looked away hastily, her gaze trained on the floor.

"I'll see you bright and early in the morning Ms. Vanderwall," General Eichmann said. His tone, though not dismissive, held a finality that signaled their conversation was over, at least for the time being.

"Of course sir," She nodded, not meeting his gaze. Swallowing down the dread and embarrassment she now felt, she headed for the door, doing her best to keep her expression cool and collected.

Taking a left down the hallway, she strode towards the bathroom, all but busting through the swinging door. Locking the stall door behind her, she sat down on the toilet seat, running a hand through her hair as she tried to calm the thoughts racing through her mind. Why had she been dismissed from the security briefings? Had they discovered who she truly was? Had Lucas or the other Resistance members given her up in exchange for a deal of some kind? It wasn't like the Third Reich to respond to a potential threat with caution ... They typically acted, and asked questions later. If they even remotely suspected her of colluding with the enemy, she would've already been gifted a bullet through the back of the head. Still, something wasn't right ... Maybe they did suspect her of something. Of what, she didn't know; But why else would they be keeping her away.

She stood up, taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly. Putting it out of her mind, she unlocked the stall, retreating back down the hallway and sitting down at her desk. She would do her best to act normal and go about her afternoon as usual ... She would finish the agenda for in the morning and would go home. She was meeting Josef at seven for their dinner reservation, and would be able to get her answer then. Surely he would notice her absence from the meeting and would have already inquired as to why she had been excluded. She could count on him to tell her the truth, or at least count on her ability to discern if he was keeping something from her.

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