Chapter 4: Confrontation

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The carriage began the long journey to the capital city.

21 girl, whom Diana was the last of them. Afraid, shaken, and crying. Unable to face their fear of the nameless future ahead. All they were thinking of were their parents. The poor couples who just lost a piece of their family and had to move on without them.

However, Diana was different. She was consumed with what her father had concealed in her clothes during their last hug.

She curiously buried her hands in her clothes, her fingers touched a glassy soft surface joint with a small chain.

She pulled it out.

Realizing what it is, her eyes widen in admiration.

Realizing what it is, her eyes widen in admiration

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It was a ruby necklace. A thing that she had never seen before.

She saw a lot of beautiful necklaces. Yet never did she see a fire-shaped ruby strangled from a necklace before!

She examined it purposely. The red mirror of the ruby was mirroring her curious eyes.

It was beautiful and reflective. She didn't know why her father wanted her to have it. It could be a reminder of her true identity. The sole daughter of protector Richard Onakran. Not a slave. Not a maid. Or a follower of whatever lurks ahead.

With only the glaring light of the moon in the black sky. The journey to the capital began. It took about 6 hours by a carriage pulled by two strong horses.

The journey was rough. The road was full of cracks and rocks, so the carriage was shaking every now and then, thus making it difficult to rest or sleep inside it.

The carriage was heading to its destination.


The Rich capital of the kingdom is where the royal palace lies, in addition to all ministries.

The journey was silent inside the carriage, None of the girls was in a mood to talk. They just looked at each other in complete silence. There was nothing to discuss about, even if there was, they were too weary to speak about it.

The carriage, escorted by a line of marching calvaries led by the captain at the front, went through numerous terrains: Flat roads, Rough forest paths then the city itself.

It was large and cheerful. There were good-looking people on all sides. Rich people judge by their outfits.

It was Fascinating to the simple girls how the city was full of lights even at a late hour like this. People were very different from the people in their town. They were clean and had a fancy way of talking. They also noticed the paved streets, their feet were used to the rough and dusty ground.

They saw generous architectural art in the tall houses made of brick and stone. They were only accommodated in simple huts or poor-quality wooden houses for better families.

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