Chapter 33 : A Lone Wolf

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"So..." Louis cleared his throat. "You didn't answer me. If the whole battalion was defeated, then who we should meet at the 2nd camp?"

"The reserves, my battalion concluded 10,000 men as a backseat to cover our back and to reinforce us when in need, but the invaders attacked us with tremendous speed and encircled us. The messenger I sent had probably been intercepted somewhere in this forest, cutting our communication with the back" Joseph answered.

The walk to the camp was peaceful to a point until it came to Louis and he suddenly stopped.

"Wait, what if your men recognized me?" Louis realized.

"Nah, don't worry. We have a more important issue at hand right now than your identity, young prince. The men's morale is deteriorating. They probably think I am dead as we speak, If I don't reach that camp in time, another defeat will take place and they will flee in front of our common enemy". Joseph said. Worried about the current situation of war he tried to figure out how to press on over his wounds.

After a lot of walking while bitting the pain, The two found themselves climbing a low steep hogback.

"This is it, the camp should be on the other side"

Each one with his personal goal in mind started climbing. Joseph however was still groaning in pain. He began to feel dizzy with every step to the top. At a point, his leg slid, and was about to have another injury if not for Louis who supported him.

"You, ok?"

"No, I think my wounds are open again. We need to hurry"

The two pressed on and it felt like forever reaching that summit with a stop every 10 minutes due to Joseph's deteriorating condition. On the other hand, the closer Louis reached the top, the more human noises met his ears.

After so much struggle, Louis reached the top and then turned around to help Joseph up.

"Boy, phew. we made it!". He said when he looked forward

Louis turned around to try to see what Joseph was looking at.

"My Oh My..."

The sight of thousands of tents and massive gatherings of soldiers was everywhere. Across hundreds of feet of smooth terrain. Men were shouting, horsemen were running around. Louis had never seen that amount of soldiers in one place before.

"Good job, kid," Joseph said with a sigh of small relief. "Now Stick to my side and leave the speaking to me," Joseph addressed Louis before moving to descend down the hill and approaching the camp, tired and out of energy.

At first sight of the soldiers to their commander. They couldn't believe their eyes, as some ran to aid their commander, while others kept watching trying to make sure if this was some kind of a trap from the enemy.

More than fifty soldiers rushed to support the man from both sides. While the whole camp was busy with their leader, None noticed Louis at first glance. "THE COMMANDER IS Alive! Call for a medic at once!" One of the soldiers shouted as the men comforted their commander that he was safe once again.

Louis took some steps to follow the group when a sword was drawn an inch away from his face. "Hey, you. Where the hell do you think you're going?" Said a man in shiny armour. Suspicious look on his face

Louis was stopped in his tracks. He knew they wouldn't let a citizen in or otherwise, they would doubt him for being a spy.

"Let him in, he is the one who saved me in that forest, he made that banda- Arghh!". He said before he collapsed from pain, unconscious.

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