Chapter 8: Royal confessions

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The visit ended and so did the day.

The conversation between the prince and Diana had never left that hospital. The drama ended there leaving Louis dazzled and Diana changed.

The holiday that her Majesty gifted her made the maiden discover more about herself. About her sensitive character. Was that because she was too attached to her father? but it's been more than a year. Would the emotional link still tingle even with miles apart?

No matter the answer, from that day on, she swore never to vow her emotions to any boy in the palace. As it marked her decision to become more mature. Her feelings will no longer thrill her away from the real world. She won't get lost in her fantasy globe again. She will try to impose discipline on her life. Even if she was going to destroy a part of herself along the way.

Taking all of this into consideration.

 She began her day as usual by changing her clothes to her usual maid clothes.

No matter how many she tried, she never brought herself to accept this custom. She never had foreseen that the rest of her youth would be spent as a servant for the ruling class of this palace.

She sighed, she couldn't help herself accept this idea, not at this moment at least...

She began her duty by bringing the one thing that her queen always orders every morning. 

Her cup of hot tea.

"Tea is ready, my lady"

"Thanks, hon, put it on the table please" she gestured. Looking up through her window overlooking her garden. Enjoying the breeze of early morning fresh air.

Diana obeyed.

"Finally some pleasant moments for this cursed family" Anna joked around.

"May it always prolong" Diana wished with a fake smile.

"I Wish so"  she smiled back. As she grabs the handle of the cup and the small plate below it.

"So..." she began. "Any news about your reward?" Anna asked about the request.

"In fact, I hold an answer" Diana decided.

Anna paused with surprise. "Well, that was fast. Sure you don't need more time to think about it? It's a one-time offer you know, mind you"

"I don't need it, your highness. I am ready"

"Alright, call it out and it shall be done for you," she said right before approaching the cup to her lips for the first sip.

Diana paused for a second. She felt the words stuck in her throat. They were too heavy to let them out. She looked at her happy queen. The lovely woman. She will miss her.

"I want to leave the palace and return to my Town"

On hearing the previous words, the queen spat the hot tea in the air. Just the reaction that Diana had anticipated.

She looked at Diana with wide-open eyes.

"WHAT? WHY? Did the king insult you again?! I will talk to him if you-"

"No, my queen. It's not him" she interrupted.

"It's just that I missed my father so much and I hated this place the moment I put my leg in it, you asked me to ask a reasonable request, so here it is"

The queen paused a bit.

"Oh, you mean periodical visits. It would be hard of course, but I can try to ease that!"

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