Chapter 10: A Farewell

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Like meteorites. Under the mercy of gravity and a nitch of faith. They cut through the space downward causing the air to fill their mouth and pinching their eyelashes. Seeing the land coming closer, she closed her eyes and sighed in fear. Even if she was to die, she didn't want to see it coming.

For a part of the second, They felt the silky cover of the vast tent ramming their bodies like two spears charging at a leather armour, they crashed causing a complete annihilation of the composure of the tent under their own weights.

All the goods and clothes fell on the streets and in front of the merchant who had a wide opened jaws that were covered by her hands. Seeing all her handmade work licking the flat road just like that.

People were given a good fright at the moment of collision, causing some to panic and others followed through the curiosity, thus a crowd gathered around the tent.

The couple was traumatized by the impact. Both of them moaned badly, but Louis endured more of the huge unimaginable pain that struck the prince in his arm. It was a bad move.

Yet, The truth of feeling the pain and enduring it , pointed out that the plan had worked.

They made it out alive.

The female merchant tried to gather her fallen mouth and stood there shocked at the viewed impact and destruction. Ignoring the pain of the fall and the looks on the people's faces, they pressed on over their dizziness and burst into another run to the main street. Louis had that urge to return back and request forgiveness from the merchant. But he scratched the idea quickly off his mind.

"Wait, the people. Won't the locals recognize you!?" Diana halted him for a second as she recalled who she was truly running with.

"Don't worry about it. Only a handful know my relativity to the royal family. I am not that public figure anyway" he answered in his exhausted voice

They dived between the crowds, pushing left and right through the forest of the people walking by. They could hear the guards cutting beside them, without noticing them. They were running at every corner, asking about the girl everywhere, trying to spot her face from the swarm of buyers and sellers in that large-scale market. It was a maze for the guards and a good cover for the couple.

Luckily, their consumed legs managed to get them far enough to a back alley, giving them some rare moments for their lungs to take a rest.

"I think we lost them. What now?" Diana halted. Still breathing fast from all that running. She wanted to know where all her depleting breaths would lead in the end.

"There is a caravan leaving from the capital to a far town, that is our way of the capital" answered the prince.

After running for more time between the crowds evading stray guards at every corner, and withstanding the tremendous amount of exhaustion and tiredness. They finally reached the caravan behind the old alley.

Basically, the caravan was consisting of 2 Flat cargo carts with 2 horses each and 4 men guarding them with keen eyes. Those men who were waiting in patience spotted the couple running in a hurry and they approached as to welcome them.

"Jeez, you too. Take a breath or you gonna choke yourself "One of the merchants stood forward giving the two some water. They both dived the liquid into their systems. The water was so sweet in their mouth as It cooled their burning bodies a bit.

They gasped a deep breath after the refreshing drink. "Glad you got the message, men. What is the situation?" Louis began.

"We are ready, my prince, awaiting your command," said one of the men excitedly.

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