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"Hello Darling." He breathed into my ear making my skin itch with disgust where his breath touched.

I tried to wriggle my arm out of his grip but he just tightened his grip on my arm , digging his nails into my skin painfully.

"You look really beautiful." He leaned in for a kiss but I turned away. He was reeking of alcohol. I knew how dangerous he could be sober and didn't want to know what he would do in drunken state.

"Let me go." I spat at him. What was he doing here? Did he stalk me or was it just a coincidence?

His eyes darkened as his expression morphed into one of anger. He pressed me in a corner with his body caging mine. He was now clutching my shoulders with both arms painfully.

"Why do you always do this Ellie? You like making me angry don't you. I have asked you to not wear such dresses, then why are you wearing this."

"Let me go this moment you bastard." I placed my hands on his chest and tried to push him off me . he stumbled a few steps back and I took the opportunity to run away. However, I was pulled back with a sharp pain in my scalp. He had a strong grip on my hair and kept on pulling harder until a painful cry escaped my throat. I looked around but no one was paying attention. Everyone was either too drunk or too busy with their dates.

"This could get really ugly sweetheart, you know that don't you." He asked as he kissed me below my ear. I felt tears flowing down my cheeks as I prayed from someone to help me. I had lost my voice. I couldn't cry for help. I couldn't fight him off me. It was back to my nightmares where he had that power over me.

Suddenly the pain in my head eased and his grip on my hair loosened. I had my eyes shut tightly to stop the tears but opened them when I couldn't feel his presence behind me.

To say I was shocked would be an understatement. There standing in front of me was my boss with a concerned expression on his face. And Luke was thrown on the ground a few feet away.

"Are you all right Elise?" he asked concerned, calling my name for the first time. The way he said my name , it was filled with care and concern.

I looked in between the two of them. Luke staggered but got off the floor. Javier must have seen the fear in my eyes as he turned around. He was standing in between Luke and me, shielding me from him.

"Get away from her." Luke threatened. He never liked any guy near me. All of a sudden, I was scared for my boss and not myself. What if he hurt him? Luke was a psycho. It wasn't beyond him. "She is mine."

"No I am not. I never was." I said. I don't know where I got the strength from but this was the first time I was disagreeing with him.

"Oh, You can speak now?" he said as he took a step towards me but he was stopped as two muscled men gripped him from behind. They looked like bodyguards.

"Stay away from her if you know what's good for you." Javier said towering in front of him. "There shouldn't be a next time ever. If I see you again, you are dead." He said coldly. I had no idea Mr. Kellen was capable of threatening someone until then. It didn't sound a lie.

"Throw him out." Another voice said.

"Make sure that he is banned from all of our establishments." It was Caden. He said as he stood beside his friend but unlike him, he was quick to land a punch on his face.

Luke was shouting and cursing as the men in black dragged him out. The others in the club remained unaware of the disturbance.

Once again, Javier was beside me. He pulled out his handkerchief and offered it to me. I realized that I was still crying silently.

"Thank You." I whispered quietly but they heard me.

"Although I enjoyed that punch , I have work to do. I will see you next week Javier." The both men nodded at each other.

"So, Are you going to stay here any longer?" Mr. Kellen asked turning back towards me. His handkerchief now had back stains of my mascara. I kept it my purse. He was a billionaire surely he wouldn't cry for a stained piece of cloth.

"I guess I will be heading home." I told him. I looked around for any trace of my friends but couldn't see them. I would have to text them and leave. I didn't have in it me to stay here any longer.

"Come, I will walk you to your car." He offered and pointed towards the exit.

"I didn't bring my car. I will call a cab." I told him.

"Why?" He looked slightly angry. But his anger didn't scare me. It made me all warm and fuzzy inside.

"You gave me the car for work. This isn't work." I told him. We were standing outside now. It was clear night. I pulled out my phone to call a cab but my phone was snatched from my hand.

"I will drop you. Come." He said as he placed his hand on my back and guided me towards his car.

"But sir..."

"No buts." He cut in between. "I can't let you go alone after what happened inside. Your safety is my concern. And call me Javier when we are not in office."

We stood in front of sleek black Ferrari. I may not have too much knowledge about cars but I was a sucker for Ferrari. I stood there gaping at the car and its beauty.

"Get in already." Javier said and I realized he was already inside. He had a smug expression on his face. I felt embarrassed. I wasn't checking him out but his car but it was equally embarrassing. I was lucky he never saw me checking him out. Not that I did. I would NEVER check him out.

I got inside his car and he drove off.
We sat in silence for a couple of minutes before he dropped the bomb on me.

"So, What happened inside? Do you know him?"

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