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"Remember to use your placards. Otherwise your bid won't be considered." The auctioneer announced as he started the bid.

Elise watched Javier as he made bid after bid and so did Garrett. Grace didn't seem too interested in bidding which made her wonder why was she here then.

She watch them increase the bidding amount with every bid and prayed that Javier will let go of it. The fraud Rudolph was already gaining enough money as it was. She didn't know Garrett but he too would lose more money if she didn't intervene now and what if Garrett stopped bidding. What if he decided it was enough? Then Javier would lose.

Her phone vibrated in her lap confirming her doubts. It was now or never. She had to intervene now.

Feeling a surge of courage in her veins, Elise snatched the placard from Javier's hand. The action took Javier by surprise.

"Elise, what are you doing?" He hissed at her so that the others won't hear them.

Garrett had just made a bid and the auctioneer started making the call.

Javier's eye widened when he noticed how little time he had.

"Going once…" the auctioneer said in the mic.

"Elise , give me the placards."

"Going twice…"

"Give me the damn cards." Javier shouted making everyone on the table stare at them. Even Riley who had been lost in Javier's phone.

Unaware of the tension, the auctioneer said again "Going thrice and the property of Mr. Rudolph has been sold to Brooks Industries."

If the looks could kill, Elise would have died right there. Garrett stood up from the chair and abruptly kissed her cheeks.

"Thanks sweetheart." He said strutting towards the stage to get the deal over with.

"Grace look after Riley." Javier barked and grabbed Elise by her elbow and pulled her out of the hall.

"WHAT THE HELL, ELISE!" he barked as soon as the door closed behind them.

"Tell me, how much did Brooks pay you to do this." He accused walking towards her like a predator.

Elise felt hurt with his accusation. How could he accuse her of such a thing. What she did was to save him and his company and he had the audacity to call her a mole.

"Listen Javier." She tried to explain.

"No you listen." He barked closer to her and planted both his palms on the wall on either side of her head. "Don't show me your face again. If I see you again, I wouldn't hesitate in either suing you or killing. You are nothing but a bloody gold digging bitch waiting for the right chance to stab me in the back. You even had the audacity to bring my kid into all this. If I see you near either of us again, you are dead Rivers. Consider yourself warned." With that he walked away leaving her in the empty corridor. She couldn't help the sob that escaped her throat. Very soon he would himself find out what she did and why she did that but what would he do then? Could he take back all the painful words that he had said to her?

Elise had though he trusted her and respected her but like every other person, he too disappointed her. But why did it hurt so much. It wasn't supposed to hurt like that. He was her boss, nothing more. Then why did it feel like her heart was shattering inside her chest. She hugged her hands around her chest trying to keep the pieces of her broken heart together. She stood there alone for a while and then made her way towards the suite in hope that his anger might have calmed down and she could explain only to find it empty. There luggage was gone.

Panicked she called the reception only to find out, Mr. Kellen had already checked out with his son.

She fell down on the floor and brought her knees close to her chest for some comfort but comfort didn't come to her. Alone, in that suite, she realised she had started liking Javier only to be left alone by him. Like everyone else

Javier stormed inside the private jet angrily with a sleeping Riley in his arms. All along Riley had bugged him about where Ellie was. He was grateful that the kid decided to fall asleep otherwise he couldn't handle it if he started crying for that woman. He was not in the state to be careful about what he should say to him.

She shouldn't have involved Riley in all of this. He was so attached to her already. Javier had noticed the little slips that Riley made here and here while talking with Elise when she was oblivious to it. Or was it all an act? His eyes brightened everytime she kissed him. Now what was Javier supposed to tell that kid. How to explain to him the wrong she did to his father and him.

Mostly Javier was angry because he realised that maybe along the way of teasing him. He had started considering him more than his assistant, more than a friend. He laughed a bitter laugh on the thought. How funny was it that he realised that he liked her just after she broke his trust and caused him such a huge loss to Brooks. The one thing that bugged him was why did she do it. Was she with Brooks all along or was he hired her recently. Did that happen right on the table? He offered her money and she accepted immediately. Was that the kind of person she was?

He felt no remorse in leaving her behind. She was perfectly capable of getting herself back and if not she can always ask Garrett Brooks for assistance. He just hoped that she didn't show him her face ever again. Why did he had to realise he liked her only when she showed her true face? Life was truly cruel.

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