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“You didn’t want me?” Riley shouted trying to stop his tears from falling down his cheeks. He looked from Sophia to Javier, hoping that someone would tell him that this was all a lie. He was angry with everyone right now.

Javier looked at Riley with regrets. Maybe this was too early for him but he wanted him to hear the truth from them and not others. For him it didn’t matter what the truth was, Elise would always remain his mother for him. But Riley was fourteen now and it was his decision what he wanted to believe.

He looked down at Sophia who had tears running down her cheeks. She had started loving Riley too and it was very selfless of her to chose to tell him the whole story herself.

“You are not my father but my half brother.” He said looking accusingly at Javier and then turned back towards Sophia, “You are not just my mother but could have been his step mother as well.” He pulled on his hair in frustration. In reality, they all really had a very weird relationship. And he was glad that Elliot or Caden wasn’t there or they would have laughed on him.

“I realized that day Riley that I was never, could never be your mother. I wanted to be but I wasn’t. She was everything I wanted to be. She had everything I needed. Javier, you, your Uncle Elliot and Uncle Caden, everyone loved her. Even I would have loved her if I weren’t blinded by rage and jealousy. I thought maybe I could have you then I too will have someone to love me. I thought I had rights on you because I gave you birth.”

“You didn’t.” Riley muttered through clenched teeth. Javier wanted to scold him for talking rudely with Sophia but let it go since Riley had dealt with a shock right now and his behavior was expected. He too hated her for years before he forgave her and accepted in their lives.

“Yes I didn’t.” Sophia said wiping her cheeks and nodding. “It was clear when she jumped in front of that bullet for you and I stood there watching. I could never forgive myself for that day. It was all my fault.” Sophia felt a hand squeeze her shoulder and turned around to look at Javier giving her a smile.

“It wasn’t. Don’t think otherwise.”

“Yes, it was Jav. And we all know it.” She sighed and turned towards Riley who was looking towards them with scrunched nose. They knew he was thinking about their mother-son relationship.

“I never expect you to accept me as your mother Riley. I just want you to forgive me. And if you don’t I accept that as well. I have made many horrible decisions in my life but hurting you was the one that I regret the most.”

Riley seemed like he didn’t want to stay in the same room as them for longer than required and stood up. He walked towards the door but turned midway.

“Do you hate her?” he asked looking back at the similar pair of eyes. He now knew where he got them from.

“I can never hate her. she gave me this family. She forgave me when even I couldn’t forgive myself. For everything she has done, I will always be indebted to her. I can never hate her.”

He nodded his head and walked ahead.

“Where are you going, Ry?” Javier asked.
“To the cemetery.” Riley replied to his father without turning back.

Javier sighed as he thought whether he should follow him or not but decided against it. There was only one person who he would talk to right now. He picked up his five-year-old daughter Jeanne who was standing in front of him and looked down at Sophia who looked downcast.

“Do you think he will forgive me?” she asked standing next to him.

“Give him time. He will come around. We all did.” He said putting his hand around her shoulder to comfort her.

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