𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕱𝖎𝖛𝖊

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So..hi. I haven't been writing much...sorry lmao I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY.


I've never dedicated a chapter to anyone but I'm going to dedicate this chapter to a few people so, uh, here we go.

Black_Aughtum Envyana15 StrxberriHoe Naibaby214 Bxbytiana Shaylea24 babybubbles5



Jacob and Paul turned to look at the girl, slight shock in their eyes at the vulgar language coming from the small brunettes mouth.

"I DON'T KNOW WHO THE FUCK YOU THINK I AM OR WHAT THE HELL YOU THINK IS HAPPENING, BUT ITS NOT THAT!" KC shouts as she snatches Bella's arm and drags her towards the truck.

"Wha-where are you going?" Paul stutters as he watches his precious imprint try to leave.

"Um, none of your fucking business, that's where." KC speaks, not sparing a single glance towards the group of boys as she shoves Bella into the passenger seat. Jacob panics slightly, rushing towards the truck and trying to grab the door.

KC rushes to lock the driver door but is seconds too late as the boy jerks the door open and pulls her out.

This is it. I'm a goner. I'm gonna die at the hands of these coocoo for cocoa puff assholes.

Paul snarls as he watches Jake grab his imprint.

"Don't touch her!" He shouts, running towards the two and grabbing KC.

"You don't touch her! She's mine, dickhead!"

"This isn't tug-o-war, you fucking jackasses! Put me down!"

KC smacks Paul's hands and pulls herself out of Jacobs grasp.

Her hand stings as she watches the two snarl and snap at each other.

What the fuck? They're acting like dogs fighting for territory.

Jacob pushes Paul, and it seems to be the last straw and the group of boys behind them begin to panic as they watch the older boy shake, steam seeming to float off of him. He bends down in pain and KC watches, silently backing away from the duo and towards the red truck. Bella panics as well, jumping out of the car and running towards Jacob to pull him away.

Embry grabs the idiotic teen before she can reach the two, and they all watch as the two boys suddenly turn into gigantic wolves, snapping and leaping at each other.

A girlish scream rings through the clearing, and the wolves turn their heads just in time to see KC faint, her eyes rolling to the back of her head.

Shit. Guess the wolf really is out of the bag now.

Sam was gonna kill them.


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