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I walked over to Pete's black car and hopped into the passenger seat. I turned my head to face Pete who was already looking at me.

I could tell by the look in his eyes that he was waiting anxiously for me to tell him how everything had gone.

"Everything went fine Pete." I say chuckling and rolling my eyes

"Oh thank god." He dramatically brings one of his hands up to his chest like he had been holding in a breath.

I turn to put my seatbelt on while Pete begins to drive out of the busy parking garage and onto the even busier streets.

"Are you two like friends again?" Pete directs his gaze towards me for a second before turning to look back at the road.

"Yeah we talked everything through and she apologized for everything and then we just watched some tv and drank wine." I catch myself beginning to smile at the thought that I had my best friend back.

"That's great babe. I'm glad you guys are friends again." He says smiling though not looking over at me.

"Couldn't have done with out my fiancé's support." I tease and rest one of my hands on his thigh.

"Yeah whoever that man is, is very lucky." He teases back smirking

We both laugh and enjoy the quiet atmosphere of the city we both loved. As I sit in the car, looking at all of the cars and bustle of people blur past me I notice Pete is driving somewhere that wasn't my apartment.

"Where are we going? You taking me out on a date?" I say giggling softly

Pete turns to look at me with a wide smile. We had been stopped by a red light.

"No, but I do have a surprise for you." He says to me smirking

"A surprise?"

"Mhmm and I'm fucking hoping you won't be mad at me for it."

I cock my head to the side, confused by what he just said. He turns his head back to the road seeing that the light had turned green.

"Why would I be mad at a surprise?" I question him

"It'll make more sense once you see what it is." His smirk only growing wider as he stayed focus on the road ahead of him.

"Hmm interesting..." I say more to myself

I look back out the side window and begin to question what the surprise could be and how I could somehow be mad about it. Pete always had a way to make any thing perfect. So whether or not I ended up being mad about the surprise he would make sure to find a way to make it perfect. And damn did I love that about him.

A couple more minutes passed as we continued to drive down a street I was unfamiliar with. I turned to face Pete and gave him a confused look.

He only smirked widely at me as he continued to drive until he slowed down in front of huge and might I add gorgeous apartment complex. I had a deep instinct that I knew what the surprise was.

And if my gut was correct there was no way in hell that I was mad.

"Alright we're gonna walk in the building but once we get closer to the surprise your gonna have to close your eyes." Pete says turning to me as he turns off the car.

"Okay." I say giggling

We both step out of the car and Pete's takes my hand and leads me into the large lobby of the apartment building. This place must have been built recently because when I looked around there wasn't a single thing that I could find that looked out of date.

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