A/N - please read. So that there won't be further misunderstandings

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Hi my dear readers. It has been a while. 

I have got a few messages both privately and very publicly by some of the readers. I just want to clear a few things so that this would clear further misunderstandings.

1. This story is a story of my own imagination. 

I did not copy any other book. Some readers are saying I copied a non-supernatural story and turned it to a supernatural story that is this book 'Regina Malicious'. While the others keep saying I copied a werewolf story and brought my own changes to it.

Well guys. Let me tell u this. This whole book is of my own imagination. If there are anything that seems to resemble another story, then that's a coincidence. Because I have planned this story plot about 4 years ago and also had the plot written on a piece of paper, but didn't get the confidence to publish it on wattpad or any other platform because I was only 12 at that time. But I gained confidence and wrote this story here on wattpad with a few changes and twists from the original one 

This story is completely my own idea.

2. Some are complaining because the main girl shouldn't accept her sister or whatever. Apparently because it makes her weak.

Please try to understand that she accepted her sister because her sister wasn't really at fault. It was their father who forced her sister to do all what she did. She was innocent from the beginning. Secondly, it's her choice.

I also like the badass bitch characters who doesn't give a shit. But not all the story has to be the same. 

3. About Winnie accepting her mate.

Well, I understand the feeling of wanting to make him suffer. You probably won't believe that I do want that. But don't forget that I have been a reader too before a writer. 

Deciding if she wants to accept her mate or someone knew is her choice. A mate bond is difficult to resist. So you can't really blame Winnie. 

And lastly... This story is MY story. Not yours. So if you don't like it or whatsoever, I don't care although it did make me sad a few times. Because I wrote this book for only one reason. It's because I love writing. It's a dream to me. I just wanted to put the story in my heart on something else where the world can see. If you don't like my story, I don't mind. 

If you are here to judge my story saying this is so common or whatever or that you don't like it, then let me tell you this. 'why don't YOU try writing a story. With your own way. Your own plot. But then you'll also meet people who disagrees with your plot too.

Just because I didn't make the character as badass doesn't mean all of my stories are like that. This is just this story. 

Anyways... I missed you guys so much 😭. I love you 😘 all.

Any questions? 

Lots of love❤️❤️

Shai 💕

Regina Malicious [Completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora