Chap 34 - Brother And Sister

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Aerowyn's pov

I saw everything.

It was all true. He did everything for me. His little sister. He loved me. He wanted me to be safe. He gave everything up just for me. He did everything to protect me.

Not only then. He still is. He endured pain in its worst. It was worse than what I went through in my past. It was worse. But he still went through it.

For me.

But then everything faded. I opened my eyes gasping. I couldn't. I couldn't breath. I heard voices around me. I collapsed but before I fell, strong arms of mate wrapped around me. But I couldn't.

Slowly, slowly, I felt myself fall into a pit of darkness.


I woke up gasping for air. I saw my mate sitting beside me. He instantly came to my side trying to calm me down. He wrapped his arms around me pulling me into his chest. After sometime, I calmed down.

I looked around. We are in our room.

"it's ok. It's ok." he said to me. "w-where is he?" I asked as tears welled up in my eyes.

"he is still in the cell." he answered. I pulled away immediately. "why? You heard him! He isn't evil!" I exclaimed.

"I know. I know. But he refused. He refused to come out." Artorius said frowning. "why?"

"he said his vampire might take control back and try to hurt you. We told him he can't hurt you with all of us there. But he said we don't know the strength of his demon. So Dahlia brought a vervain flower and put it in a locket chain. She made him put it on his neck so that it will keep his demon in control. At least for some time. But he still refused to come out."


"he wants your forgiveness. He said he won't come out without it. He doesn't care how long it takes." Artorius looked at me.

I looked at my hands.

"actually, I- I have already forgiven him. None of it was his fault. It's the demon in his and the vampire king. He tried what he can to stop it. To be honest I feel guilty. I feel ashamed. I'm the reason he is hurting all these years. For 2000 years. That's 20 centuries." I whispered.

"hey. Don't blame yourself. I'm pretty sure your brother wouldn't want that either." Artorius wrapped his arms around me.

I looked up when he said brother. "you aren't mad?" I asked.

"no. I'm not. Who can be? He is innocent. He didn't do anything wrong. I can't be mad at him even if I tried. Not anymore." Artorius sighed.

"you want to see him?" he asked. "I don't know how to face him anymore." I whispered. "it's alright. Don't worry about anything. Ok? Come on. I will take you there." he said and helped me out of the bed.

When we entered the dungeon once again, I heard talking. And the voices go lt louder as we neared Dunc- my brother's cell. Do I even deserve to call him my brother?

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