Chap 36 - She Isn't Your Mate! I Am!

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There might be a few time skips in this chap. Sorry about it.

A week later

Aerowyn's pov

It has been a fucking week. Artorius didn't come back.

We are all worried sick. He isn't even in the pack. We have sent search parties too. But no luck.

Where did he go? Or was he attacked? Maybe this is a trick if the vampire king? What if something happened to him? Oh god! What if he is barely alive?!

I can't sleep well, I can't eat well, Althea and the girls have to practically force me to. Danicia and Althea had sedated me a few to because I can't sleep.

How can I? My mate is somewhere out there. I don't even know how he is right now!

And here I am. Pregnant. I'm carrying his pup.

I waited and waited. Wanting to give him the happy news. But he didn't come. I counted days. I woke up every time, hoping he is back. But no. I get the same disappointment everytime.

Everytime a search party comes back, I look at them with hope. I look everywhere waiting to see my mate's face. But the sad look on their faces will crush my heart every time. Every single time.

They won't let me join the search. Because I'm pregnant. Because they need someone to be in charge while their Alpha is gone. I understood them. But I can't help it but want to join the search.

I miss him. I have to cry myself to sleep every time. If it wasn't for my mine and Artorius's I probably would be a mess. Hell! I'm already a mess!

But I still have hope. I won't give up. I won't give up. My baby need his/her father. I won't give up.

And I know Artorius loves me. He will do whatever he can to come back. I'm pretty sure about it.


Duncan's pov

I watched my baby sister willow in her misery. I watched my sister break in front of me piece by piece. I watched my sister go crazy without her mate.

The only thing keeping her sane is her baby. Her pup. The little being in her stomach.

I have seen her talking to her baby. She promised them that Artorius will come back. She talked to him/her about how much Artorius loves her.

It hurts seeing her like that.

I swear if this is some silly trick of Zaliver, I will kill him. I will kill him no matter what. I will kill him with my bare hands. I won't let him control my sister's life like he did with mine. He can't play with her. She already has enough in her plate!


Unknown pov  (A/N- Omg.)

I watched her break. I watched her be crushed in my fists. Just like how I crushed Artorius. I'm going to destroy both of them.

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