Chap 20 - The Kiss

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Hi. I know I said I will see you guys in 19th November. But oh well... I got a 3 free days including today. So I wrote a few chapters. I couldn't help it. I love writing. It's my soul. So yhh. Here it is.


Aerowyn's pov


"Aris- I- I-"

"you don't have to say it back Mate. I understand. But I want you to know that I love you so much. And I will always love you. Today, tomorrow and forever." he brushed the strands of hair that has fallen to my face.

I smiled at him and leaned in before pressing my lips softly on his jaw. He looked at me confused and surprised when I pulled away. "thank you. You are really sweet." I pecked his jaw one more time. I liked the feeling of his light stubbles tickling my lips.

I smiled at him pulling away. "it should be me who is thanking you, Mate. Even after all the terrible things Artorius did to you, you are still here. You still care about me." he tightened his hold on me.

"what Artorius did wasn't your fault, Aris. Yes, I blame him. I hate him for everything he did. But I can't hate you." i smiled. He nodded.

"come on. We need to take her body to the pack hospital. I want a proper funeral for her." i sighed looking at the beautiful little girl laying on the ground. Life less.

"yeah." he nodded. When I tried to take her body, he stopped me and took her.


We were able to give her a proper funeral the day after that.

And now it has been about 4 days since that. And to say Artorius hasn't changed would only be an understatement. Even though he knows about how much it hurts me, both mentally and physically, when he sleeps with his bitches, there is no change. I have to endure the pain every single time.

It has been a little awkward between us though. Probably because of my emotional talk that day. And now that he knows Kail isn't really mine. And also how I feel about him. But I don't care. I'm happy that he knows it now. That I hate him. That I loathe him, despise his presence.

And now that he has broken my emotional wall, I'm not the same. I get hurt more easily. But to my luck, I was able to keep it at bay.

However he tried to get information about Duncan from me several times. After all he witnessed everything. But I refused to give him the information.

Day before yesterday I talked with Warren. Turned out that he really is a Salvator. And we are related. Not to mention that he said he knows who I am. More specifically what I am. The Golden Wolf.

But he said he doesn't know anything about Duncan being related to us. He also told me that his great aunt is an Oracle. He said his aunt knows about me. And his aunt wants to talk to me.

So here I am. Me and my team along with Warren and his mate, Althea are going to meet his Mrs. Salvator. His aunt.

"I'm tired... are we there?" Rayce pouted. "shut up! We both know that you aren't tired." Darren scoffed. "huh? Not just you both. We all know that he is faking." Jaxon slapped Rayce's forehead making his mate slap his shoulder lightly.

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