twenty four

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^^theres no specific place to play the song but it goes perfectly with this chapter so do with that what you will ;)

had to get the gang back together for this one because i missed them so much.


"How the hell is it only one o'clock?" Miles groans, tossing the file he's holding onto the desk and running his hands over his face.

"It's a slow day." I shrug, sighing in agreement.

"If it wasn't Friday I think I would lose my mind."

"You and I both, mate."

This week at work, every day has felt like a year. The only time I'm not checking the clock every five seconds is lunchtime when I get to pop down to Lainey's office, but we've only been able to meet twice this week because her schedule has been so booked and busy.

Wednesday was particularly draining, Chelsea and her mum came in for an appointment and Chelsea was talking to me about last Friday night, asking me tons of details about what happened. I was as curt as possible with her, not giving her any information because it wasn't her business in the slightest. I haven't heard from her since then and I don't plan to, so I'm crossing my fingers she finally moved on and will stop bugging me.

Even Miles was annoyed at all her questions. I was able to fill him in on some of the details via Lainey's permission and he said he would've let me throw another punch if he had known.

I've also been worried this week because as I mentioned briefly earlier, Lainey has been working herself silly. She's taken on several new clients this week alone, filling her schedule so much that she's out like a light by nine o'clock every night. I think- well, I know- she's doing it to distract herself from the breakup.

She told me everything on her own time earlier this week, and judging by how messy it was I don't blame her for distracting herself so much. Although I'm worried because she just hasn't given herself any down time or time to relax, and I don't want her to exhaust herself. She also has barely mentioned the breakup since it happened, or cried about it, or showed any kind of emotion that pertains to it. I don't know if it's truly not affecting her and she's already over it or if she's bottling everything up and it's a ticking time bomb.

We started carpooling together everyday since there's really no reason for us to drive separately. It's fun, I'm always the one who has energy in the mornings and Lainey simply does not, so the dynamic is pretty interesting. Me humming to the radio softly in the car while sipping my coffee and her telling me to shut up as she chugs hers, it's lovely really.

Truly, though, I always wondered what it would be like to have Lainey as a roommate and can I just say, I never want to go back. It's so fun; I highly recommend living with your best friend at least once in your life. Seeing her adorably puffy face and bed head first thing in the morning just makes me so happy. I get so excited to wake up every morning and I have more energy throughout the day in general, and I'm ninety nine percent sure it's all because of her.

We usually get home no later than five every night, give or take, and even though it's only a few hours before we're both knackered, we'll spend them cooking or watching trashy reality tv with a bottle of wine. Yesterday we attempted to bake cookies but we left them in the oven too long because we were too busy judging the men on the newest season of The Bachelorette, and they were ruined.

It's only been a week, and yet it feels like we've been living together for months because of how normal it feels. They say cloud nine is the highest you can go, so if that's the case, I'm on cloud nine thousand.

18 Going On 30 || h.s. auOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant