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let's bring it home...

[PLAY DAYLIGHT BY TAYLOR SWIFT] (keep on repeat) <3



It was a chilly October afternoon when the whole family started arriving at Maddie and Harry's house, gifts in hand and smiles on their faces as they were ready to get their celebration on. Birthdays only come once a year, after all, so there was enough excitement to go around three times over.

Along with the excitement outside, and air inside the house was absolutely buzzing. Energy radiated off the three residents that called the space home and one could barely catch another for five minutes because there was simply so much to do and so little time to do it.

"Lucas, if you don't put your shirt on I'm gonna tell mummy!"

"No!" The three year old (as of today) giggled, scampering under the table in only his pants with his favorite stuffed dinosaur in his hand.

"I'm gonna count to three..." Harry said with his hands on his hips, tapping his foot on the hardwood floor as he bargained with his son. "One..."

Lucas only giggles more. You might think that Harry regrets putting those sugary chocolate chips in his birthday pancakes this morning, but he loves his son's laugh so much that there's not a single irritated bone in his body.


More giggles, this time accompanied with an attempted escape. Lucas darts out from under the table at lightning speed in hopes to outwit his father, but Harry is much too quick for the boy's liking.

"Gotcha!" Harry proclaims in victory as he snatches his son up off his feet, maneuvering to hold him on his hip as the toddler squirms in his arms. He shoves the shirt over Lucas' head with one hand, ruffling up the curls that are similar to his father's.

You see, the two are basically identical. Thick brown curls with bright green eyes and two dimples attached to the ends of their smiles. Lucas received every physical trait from Harry, but as far as personality goes? Oh, well that's all from Maddie. The sass, the stubbornness, the compassion, and more, all derived from his mum.

"Finally." Harry mumbles when he manages to get Lucas' shirt on, setting his son down and sighing when he scurries off again.

Just as Harry is wondering where his wife is, a loud knock sounds through the foyer accompanied by the sounds of several familiar voices.

"Nana!" Lucas yelled in excitement, running up to his grandma as she walked through the door first, followed by several other family members.

At the sounds, Harry emerges into the front room and says hello to everyone. "Laineyyyy, everyone's here!" He yelled up the stairs to where Maddie still was.

"Uh, coming!" She yelled back, but she was definitely nowhere close to coming downstairs.

Up in the bathroom, Maddie stood at the counter with the pregnancy test box sitting in her hands waiting to be opened. It had been a while since she's taken one of these, so she scanned the back of the box before biting the bullet and ripping it open.

Maybe right now isn't the best moment to do this, she thought. But because she's almost a month late for her period, there's not a moment she's not thinking about getting this stupid test over with so she's convinced herself to rip off the bandaid right here and now.

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