The journey back to port

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Manfred wakes up and exits the plane making his way to Akashi's shop. (About 6am) At said shop Manfred grabs red and black paint and when Akashi tells him he didn't pay he just walked off cause the fuck is she going to do stop him? Manfred goes back the Enterprise and starts painting the plane that he slept in. Manfred painted the plane the same as his old one. After hours of painting he was done and he got into the plane to take off but as he was taking off he saw a black and yellow thing moving very fast towards the base Manfred, now in the air, immediately taking pursuit of the person? Either way it didn't matter to Manfred as he is the king of the skies and nobody will ever dethrone him. He opened fire on the thing and it showed no signs of stopping he kept firing and firing but nothing he eventuality noticed that there were others now pursuing the now in water thing. One of the ship girls shot the now revealed siren girl. Manfred knowing he couldn't ram the shit and his bullets did nothing he flipped his plane so the cockpit was now directly above the water and slid off the cockpit's hatch when he was above the siren girl he unbuckled and dropped on her. Now this may seem dumb but Manfred is the king of the sky and if he let her get away unharmed than he will have lost his pride. So Manfred falls onto the girl and because the girls floats Manfred does a good old fashion beat down on her. The girl is mad at Manfred for this but he is powerless with the repeated force of being hit against the water she couldn't move. Manfred than went for an idea he pulled the girl to her knees and put his foot on her calf's and put her arms in a 90 degree bend at the elbow put his arm between her back and her arms and put his hand on her nose and mouth. The girl now couldn't breathe she was panicking because if she escaped Manfred's arms she would also break her back she couldn't move her legs either Manfred than whispered in her ear "I want you to use one of your fancy portals and take me back to the Sakura Empire base am I understood." The girl nodded before marking the portal and Manfred along with the siren girl appear on the Sakura port. Manfred looks around and sees a massive ship with Kaga on it.

Now I know the story deviations would not lead up to this normally but I watch the anime and than make the story as I go.

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