17 | Entry 9 - Quidditch

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November 10, 1976

Dear Diary,

You wouldn't guess what Potter asked of me today. I know that we have become sort of acquaintances during our study sessions, but never did I expect that he would invite me to watch the Quidditch match this Friday.

I've never even been allowed to watch a Quidditch match before. My mother has never been very fond of the sport. Instead of playing Quidditch with my brothers while I was a child, I was forced to stay inside and listen to my mother and the other pureblood wives chat during teatime.

I was quite stunned when Potter asked me, and I was even more stunned when I replied, "I'll think about it." Why on earth would he ask me? If my family knew I was debating on seeing a Quidditch game after being asked by a blood-traitor, nonetheless Potter, my face would be burned off the wall.

Well, I guess what they don't know won't hurt them. Right?



The pair dueled each other throughout the session while Harry was left to sit and watch them.

"Go ahead, your turn to ask a question," said James. For the past 30 minutes, James had been attempting to play 21 questions with Astrid as a method to distract her.

"Alright, has anyone ever told you how annoying you are?" asked Astrid as she kept flinging hexes at the boy.

"Haha very funny. In fact, I've often been called an annoying toe rag by fellow housemates."

This sent Astrid laughing as she continued to duel him. "I honestly can't blame them."

James deflected Astrid's hex before disarming her and catching her wand. "Come on now, ask me a serious question. This feels like you don't know how to play 21 questions."

Astrid rolled her eyes as she caught her wand that James tossed back at her. "Ok, um what's your favorite color."

"Red. You know, Gryffindor pride," replied James with a wink as he threw a spell at Astrid. "My turn, what is your favorite holiday."

"I don't have one," replied Astrid as she quickly started to deflect James's spells.

James was baffled. "What? Not even Christmas? Oh, now I know why people don't like Slytherins. How can you not like Christmas?!"

Harry laughed at his father's reaction and watched as Astrid rolled her eyes at him. "Of course, a child like you would love Christmas."

James pretended to be offended as the pair continued to duel. They went back and forth asking questions while dueling until 5 minutes before 8 o'clock. James had brought some snacks from the Kitchens, which they munched on as they continued their 21 questions game on the couch.

"Okay, my last question," said James.

"It better be a good one if you made me go through this whole questionnaire while we were practicing today."

"Shush while I think," teased James as he slightly nudged her and laughed. "Okay, what about, what is your favorite Quidditch position."

Astrid scrunched her nose as she replied. "I don't know. I've never played Quidditch." This sent James (who was trying to reach for a pumpkin pasty) almost falling off the couch in shock.

"What?! Oh, now you are truly a monster. First, you say that you don't have a favorite holiday, and now you have never played Quidditch."James acted offended and crossed his arms. "I can barely look at you, how on earth have you gone through 16 years of being a wizard and not played the single greatest invention Wizards have created."

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