Funnel Cakes and Sadness

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After my nap, I still wasn't in the mood to go back home and visiting Mason was obviously out of the question since he's busy with some.. family things, so Lucas and I spent most of the afternoon in his room.

Most of our time together consisted of us sitting in his bed watching a creepy Netflix show on his laptop he'd been into lately while I studied some of the notes for science class from his notebooks

A couple of hours passed til we were both bored out of our minds.

"Hey," Lucas started, scrolling through his phone. "The fair is open again. Wanna go? Beats studying and watching The Haunting of Hill House."

I put the notebook down, carefully to not fold or mess up any the pages.

"Yeah, sure," I say finally, getting up to get ready.


I had to wear the same clothes I showed up in today, which just consisted of regular t-shirt and a pair of jeans. I didn't have any makeup so I just washed my face with Lucas's face wash and stole his comb to half tame my hair before throwing it up in a ponytail. He offered to let me borrow a pair of flip flops from his moms closet, and seeing as I had no shoes I had to accept.

After finished up, I came out of the bathroom to see Lucas grabbing his keys and phone.

"Hey," I say, breaking his concentration. "I'm gonna go downstairs and grab a water, want one?"

"Yeah, thanks," he mumbles back.

I make my way down his stairs, feeling the smooth railing and thinking back to when we were kids. I used to make my way down just like this to grab us some juice boxes when we were coloring.

I turn down the hall into the kitchen, going to the pantry beside the fridge where they kept water bottles. Why they didn't just put them in the fridge I'll never know, only psychopaths like room temp water.

I take the waters out of the plastic container, turning back and making me way out the door to sit on the porch steps while I wait for Lucas.


The fair was honestly more busy than I expected. Lucas and I walk through the tollbooth after he pays for both of our tickets since my wallet is also with my phone at home.

I take in all of the people walking around me and the smell of the funnel cakes, thinking back to my childhood. Back when our parents were happy. When things felt simple.

"Remember when we came here together last time?" I ask, smiling a little at the memory of young Lucas trying to convince his mom he was tall enough to go on a ride.

He gave a small chuckle. "Yeah, I remember when you puked because you were so scared of getting on the Farris Wheel."

The smile vanished.

"Yeah, and when you whined like a baby because you couldn't go on the Twister," I snap back, him losing his smile in return.

Safe to say our night is starting off great.

We keep walking in an uncomfortable silence, looking at a view booths beckoning for us to try and win something. I almost considered when I saw where you could win a fish but Lucas snapped me out of my impulse.

"I'm tall enough to ride that now," he says, pointing to the gigantic Farris Wheel.

"Wow," I deadpan. "That's so funny, Lucas. I wish someone told me you were so clever."

"I've always told you how clever I was."

"Clever people don't brag about being clever. Same way dumb people don't talk about how dumb they are."

I feel his shoulder bump into mine when he says, "Awe, don't worry, Emmi! You don't have to tell people you're dumb for them to notice, especially after whatever stupid thing you tried to do with Mason."

My head snaps to his direction. He's got some stupid little smirk plastered to his face. I stare at him for a moment, trying to figure out where he found the audacity.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said finally, turning my head back to look ahead of me.

"Oh, yeah you do. The dumb fake dating thing. Honestly, I pegged you as someone smarter than that."

"That's rich," I growl. "I thought you were smarter than knocking some poor girl up, too. Guess we're both a walking circus now."

I feel him glare into the side of my head, but he stays quiet. Then his gaze isn't on me anymore.

I feel a small pang of guilt. Honestly, it was a low blow. I'm sure he's stressed out enough about it as it is, but he shouldn't go around talking about things he doesn't understand.

Finally I sigh, stopping. He stops too to look at me.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that," I say, turning my eyes to the ground. I'm definitely the asshole in this situation. I took it too far.

He doesn't say anything for a long time, just staring at me. Or what I thought was at me.

"Emmi?" he says finally.

I look up at him to see his gaze is actually going over my shoulder. Confused, I turn to look where he is and my eyes fall to Mason.

And another girl.


This might be a sorta crappy chapter but honestly I'm not sure how to write the relationship between Lucas and Emmi. They used to be friends when they were kids, but obviously they're completely different people now so it's bound to be awkward and uncomfortable.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it! What do you think is gonna happen next?

How do we feel?

How do we feel?

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