The Hospital Trip

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I hate hospitals. They smell weird and I'm always nervous I'm gonna catch the flu or something from someone in the waiting room. Luckily for me, I didn't have to worry about that for too long.

"Emily Parths!" The nurse calls. I jump up immediately to speed walk to her.

"You're here to see Lucas Maddingly, correct?" she asks, scanning her eyes down the papers.

"It's Maddinly," I correct. "But yeah."

She squints her eyes at me, as if she's bitter I corrected her. But a whole beat she finally says in a snarky way, "Room 302."

I don't even wait for her instructions on how to get there, I haul ass down the hallway while following the signs to Lucas's room. 302 slowly but surely comes into view.

I give a polite knock on the ajar door, trying to peak a bit inside. There's a nurse next to Lucas, doing all the stuff she needs to do to ensure he's fine.

"Come on in," Lucas says, followed by a small "ow" as the nurse prods him.

I make my way in as quietly as I can, giving Lucas and the nurse both a small smile as I walk over to the hospital bed. 4 containers of pudding sit on the nightstand next to Lucas.

Spoiled brat.

"How are you feeling?" I ask, taking a seat in the extremely uncomfortable chair next to his bed.

He shrugs despite the nurse trying to find a spot to insert a needle to give him fluids, she shoots him a glare before she goes back to searching. I'm half positive he's been giving her a hard time since he's got here.

"I'm okay, you should see the other guy," he jokes, earning another scowl from the nurse.

I let out a nervous laugh, kind of worried about how the other guy looked. And a little afraid the nurse might just decide to shank Lucas and call it a day.

After some poking and prodding, the nurse finally sticks Lucas in the right spot to give him his fluids, he lets out a wimpy yelp and frowns at her, as if she's the reason he's here. She rolls her eyes and tells him what not to do with the arm, explaining he can't take the needles out as he's arguing that it itches and he wants to take it out.

"Listen," she snaps, getting eye level with him like how you would a toddler, "if you take this out, I'm going to come right back and put it in."

He pouts as she stands back up and gets her things, quickly leaving soon after. Eventually, he looks back at me, acting like a kicked puppy.

"Why did you have to give her a rough time?" I ask, leaning back in my seat. He lets out a huff in response, crossing one of his arms over his stomach and staring at the wall in front of him.

"You're such a big baby," I laugh, watching his face morph into an angry frown.

"I am not-," he yells, but midway a knock on the door comes, another nurse poking her head in with a timid smile.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but are you Emmi?" she asks, cracking the door open a bit more to.

"Yes," I say at the same time Lucas answers, "No."

The poor nurse looks a little confused as she looks back and forth between us.

"Um, well, a guest here said you would probably be with Mr. Maddinly. He asked me to come bring you to see him."

I frown but nod, going to stand but Lucas grabs my wrist to stop me. I look back at him to see him shaking his head no.

"Don't go, you shouldn't have to see him right now."

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