Chapter 41

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Ignoring my buzzing phone, I cuddled up closer to John on the couch in their suite's common area. Devin was seated beside him and we were watching a documentary on countercultures for their class on the political culture in the US in the 1960s. From what I gathered, there had been a lot of drugs involved, and those who hadn't done drugs had been high on Jesus. To each their own, I guessed, but it did leave me wondering if young people in the 60s had to be for or against something and couldn't do their own thing. Sure, I had opinions on politics and society, but I imagined it would be exhausting to be reduced to nothing but being a member of a movement with exactly one concern, be it rebirth or peace or whatever. And ugh, now I was realizing how privileged I sounded in my own head. Maybe having opinions was their own thing.



"God, your phone's blowing up," mumbled John and with my head on his shoulder, his mouth was close to my ear. "Could it be important?"

I sighed and sat up while I pulled my cell from my back pocket and woke up the screen. Liam: 3 unread text messages, it read. Brrrrr. Liam: 4 unread text messages.

Liam? What did he want? Was he in some sort of trouble? It was 11-ish pm, after all.

Liam: I can't believe you dumped me for John

Liam: Scratch that, I can't believe you dumped me period

Liam: Let's talk this out

Liam: I'm at Four Cows

Me: Are you drunk??

Liam: Maybe a little buzzed

Liam: I miss you

Liam: Come down

I looked up and at John who turned his head to meet my eye.

"What is it? Do you need to go take care of it?"

Do I? "I don't know." In the meantime, Devin paused the video. I knew they needed to watch it and I didn't want to bother John to come along.

"Apparently Liam is drunk-texting me and wants me to come down to Four Cows."

His eyebrows creased. "What? I thought he wasn't a heavy drinker."

"So did I. It kind of worries me."

"Grace," John warned. "Don't let him suck you into this. He's a big boy and if he can get himself into trouble, he can get himself out."

"It's just—" I sighed in frustration with myself. "He isn't putting me on the spot on purpose."

"That is 100% what he's doing. And if you're thinking about going, it's already working." The calmness in his voice was unusual when it came to Liam, but not unwelcome..

"Devin, any thoughts?" I started chewing on the skin around my thumbnail before John gently pulled at my elbow to make me stop.

Devin held up his hands in defense, eyes still fixating the screen. "Literally. do not know the guy."


Liam: Please Grace

Me: Only to make sure you get yourself home safely

"Please don't be mad at me." I kissed John on the cheek and stood up to get my boots.

"I'm not mad at you," John sighed. "I don't get why you keep letting him manipulate you even now, still. If anything, I'm mad at him. He knows what he's doing to you."

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