Chapter 44

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The following morning, Grampa was cooking breakfast when I came downstairs. The shower had turned off in the bathroom as I had walked past it, so I knew John would be down in a minute as well. The coffee maker was chrrrring and pfffing to signal the end of its cycle and the availability of freshly-brewed coffee. Beside it was a mug of chamomile tea for me. I loved being home more than I could ever express.

"Mornin'," I called and stepped behind him, putting a hand on his shoulder and looking at the scrambled eggs in the skillet.

"Morning, Peanut."

I had thrown on a tanktop and a thick, cable-knit olive sweater over it, but was still in my blue and red plaid pajama pants, just as I liked it.

"Guess who we ran into on the street last night." I opened the cabinet and set out three plates, figuring Dad had already eaten.


I rolled my eyes. "Yes, Grampa. Guess into whomst we ran." When he didn't even attempt a guess, I solved the riddle. "Gabe."

Grampa blew air from his nostrils in amusement and stirred the egg. "Speaking of, your dad invited him over for later."

What was he thinking?

I shot Grampa an unimpressed glance as I threw four slices of my favorite whole grain bread into the toaster. "Why?"

"Apparently he finally wants to get rid of that armoire in the barn. You know, the one he once picked up at that garage sale and never finished fixing up. Gabe said he was interested in it for his apartment when he goes off to grad school in the fall."

"Uh-huh." I leaned against the small island counter with my arms crossed.

Footsteps and the cracking of the old, wooden stairs announced John, who joined us in the kitchen, fully dressed on his part in jeans and a gray long sleeve Panther shirt.

"Good morning!"

Grampa and I echoed his greeting. John stepped close to me and I automatically uncrossed my arms and turned toward him. He touched the waistband of my pajamas only barely and gave me a sweet peck on the cheek.

"How did you sleep?" I asked, smiling from ear to ear. I was a goner for John.

"Like a baby. Vacation from college seems to be exactly what I needed."

I knew what he meant by it.

"Alright, kids, sit. Breakfast is ready."

"Thank you so much, Sam, that smells wonderful."

"Don't mention it," Grampa dismissed, but sent John a flattered smile.

About forty minutes later, we were sipping the last of our second cups of coffee with milk (John), black coffee (Grampa) and chamomile tea (me) and were talking about our favorite outdoor activities come springtime when the door opened and Dad stepped inside, followed by Gabriel. John almost choked on his sip of coffee. I slipped my feet off the bench and down beneath the table. Suddenly I was self-conscious about being only half-properly dressed. Although, self-conscious wasn't the right word. This appearance of mine was reserved for those close to me and for the shelter of my home which hadn't included Gabriel for a long time now. He was an intruder, even if it wasn't his fault, but Dad's for inviting him.

Polite greetings were exchanged and Dad offered Gabriel a cup of coffee which he gladly accepted. I downed the last of my tea and stood.

"I'm going to get ready. I think we're going to check out the Outdoor Trading Post today or maybe drive up to Portland."

What I Should Have Done ✓Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora