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12 years later

June 1982

Ramachandran and Kaleshwari' s house.

Ramachandran was sitting with his three daughters in the verandah. YES 3 daughters. Kaleshwari  had been blessed with consecutive 3 daughters. The eldest one Gayathri was 12 years old, the middle daughter Kayal 9 years and the youngest Valli was 5 years. 

And now, Kaleshwari was again going to give birth to another child in about 2 months. 

Kaleshwari was feeling really miserable. All her relatives had stopped talking to her the second they got to know that even the 3rd child was a girl. No one even came to visit Valli when she was born. Everyone in the village said that Kaleshwari was really unlucky. Frankly speaking, Kaleshwari did want a girl the first time but three girls was something she could never imagine. 

Now, a fear crept into  Kaleshwari  what if it was a girl even the 4th time  what would she do, what would the society say, what would her husband think? NO, she had to give birth to a boy this time. 

On the other hand Ramachandran was even more miserable. Earlier he was known for his reputation and manners but now everyone pointed him out as a father to three daughters.

Since the day he got to know that Kaleshwari was going to have a fourth child, he had gone to the Temple everyday and prayed to god for only one thing, "Let it be a boy".

Even with all these difficulties and fears Kaleshwari and Ramachandran were wonderful parents to their three daughters. They loved all of them equally. 

"Hey Valli catch me if you can!" said Kayal as they ran around playing, in the courtyard

"Valli, Kayal come and help your sister, look how she is doing all her work on her own" came Ramachandran's voice form inside the house

" Nooo...I want to play Appa(Father)" whined Valli.

"Just stop being such a cry baby" teased Kayal as she dragged her sister in.

Valli and Kayal joined their elder sister Gayathri and helped her to drying the clothes in the clothline.

Gayathri being the eldest was the most responsible too. She advised her sisters who were still not happy in doing chores " Valli, Kayal , you know very well that Amma (Mother) is going to have a baby, so in delicate times like this it is our duty to help our her in everything we can"

"Yeah you are right Akka (elder sister)" said Kayal

" Ooooh we are going to have a baby in our family" squealed Valli, being the youngest she was the most excited. "Kayal Akka and Gayathri Akka, what do you think, will it be a girl or a boy?"

" Little Valli seems really excited.....so why don't you say first, do you want a baby sister or baby brother?" asked Gayathri, adoring her little sister's excitement and innocence.

"Ummmm... I want a baby brother, I feel I have enough of sisters and even Amma and Appa will be happy..."

" Yeah your are right sister" agreed Kayal " Even I wish we have a brother, what so you think Gaya Akka"

Gayathri was lost in thought, she loved her little sisters so much and she couldn't bear to see their hopes turn out false. She imagined what would happen if  It wasn't a boy....

"Akka what are you thinking, say your wish..." said Valli gently shaking her sister

"Oh.. Sorry I was lost in thought... Er..what wish?"

"Do you want to have a baby sister or brother?"

" .....Even I hope it is a brother Valli, but I don't think we expect should this high ..."

"Why Gaya, you think it is going to be a girl, or do you want it to be a girl?"  questioned Kayal

"No, No not like that.... It is just that....."

"Just what?" asked Valli

"Gaya, Kayal, Valli come for  lunch"  shouted Kaleshwari from inside the house.

"Come on Amma is calling us for lunch" Gaya quickly said, glad that she was saved from answering.

"Coming Amma" the 3 girls went inside for lunch.

In the hall Banana leaves were laid out on the floor and the three sisters and Ramachandran sat in front of each leaf  eager for lunch.

"Amma what is for lunch today" 

"Nothing special Vaali dear, just sambhar and rice"

"Sambhar! not again!" whined Valli

"Oh stop grumbling for everything Valli" 

"Easy for you to say Kayal Akka, after all you love sambhar...."

"Valli and Kayal stop it"  advised Kaleshwari who came from the kitchen to serve the dishes.

Gayathri immediately got up and took the dish from her mother's hand.

"Amma you go sit and eat, I will serve today, you know you have to take rest...."  

"It is fine Gaya, a wife and a mother feels the most satisfied when she serves her own cooked food to her family" stated Kaleshwari smiling at her daughter. " Dear Gaya, you sit and eat along with your sisters"

Gaya reluctantly went and sat next Kayal.

Ramachandran who was sitting next to Valli noticed that his little daughter was lost deep in thought, "Vaali what are you thinking...food has been laid out, it will become cold if you don't start eating"

" Appa you have no idea how much I am excited to have a baby brother...I am tired of being the youngest!" exclaimed Valli

Ramachandran could not help smiling " Yeah I understand, don't worry a little prince will soon be enlightening our house" he said affectionately ruffling his daughter's hair.

All the sisters beamed with smiles when they heard this and had their lunch mixed with joy and laughter.

Kaleshwari was standing leaning against the wall listening to all this talk quietly. One thing she learnt in life was not to have high expectations and now watching all her daughters hopes on having a brother....well she didn't know whether to be happy about it or cry. She placed a hand on her stomach and and looked at the happy faces of her family she whispered to herself 

"I will not let this child wipe the smile out their faces, it will and has to be a boy, if not..."

This was the extent of Kaleshwari' s desperation.


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