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In Ramachandran's house

"Gaya Akka why hasn't Amma and Appa come back yet?" asked a worried Valli

"Don't know Valli, but don't worry, I am sure they will be perfectly fine...Now come on let us go and play something" 

"Alright, I will go and get Kayal Akka"

Gayathri was standing with a lost expression in the courtyard, the sun was shining brightly. It was nine in the morning and her parents had not yet come. She was getting extremely worried. Ramya Aunty had given them breakfast and now she had gone back to her house (adjacent to Ramachandran's house) to do some work. She could suddenly hear her sisters arguing inside.

Irritated she called out "Now what are you both fighting over?"

"Gaya Akka...Let us play" said Valli as she came out of the house dragging Kayal along with her.

"Valli let me go I am still not done combing my hair" said Kayal angrily  who was holding a comb and her incomplete braided hair.

"Let us play hop scotch" squealed Valli completely ignoring Kayal "Kayal Akka you draw the boxes" said Valli giving the chalks that she had in her hand to Kayal who was still frowning.

"Seri (Fine), I shall draw. Gaya Akka are you joining?" asked Kayal looking at her sister who was still staring longingly at the streets which were filled with kids playing and women doing their their morning work.

Kayal walked over to Gayathri "Don't worry Akka, Amma and Appa will be perfectly fine...Now come and play, you need some distraction" consoled Kayal giving her sister a reassuring smile. Gayathri slightly nodded and looked back one last time at the street, took the chalks from Kayal's hand and went to draw the boxes

Gayathri knelt down and started drawing the boxes. Her thoughts drifted elsewhere. Why hasn't Amma and Appa come yet? Did something wrong happen? Is the baby safe? and most of all is it a boy or girl?? Oh I really wish I get to know the answers..

"Gaya Akka! Gaya Akka! what are you dreaming.... see you drew an extra box, Akka can you hear me?" asked Valli as she gently shook her sister. 

"Oh...Sorry, I was thinking about something else. Get some water we can remove the extra box, and we can start playing"

As the little girls started playing, there was a change in atmosphere. Even Gayathri who had been serene all morning could not help laughing as she say her little sister goofing around with each other. The sisters were completely immersed on their game until they heard the creaking of the gate. 

All the three of them sopped playing and expectantly looked at the gate, they saw a familiar face but it was not their parents.

Valli ran to the gate, opened it and threw her hands around the woman "Kani Periyamma! You never said you were coming today!" 

In Kaleshwari's family, she had 4 elder sisters 1 younger sister and 1 younger brother. Kani was one of her elder sisters and also her most favorite sister but Kani was extremely poor yet she had a big heart... Kani's house was just a kilometer or two from Ramachandran's house.

"Just to give my dear Valli a surprise" said Kani lifting Valli in her hands.

"Hi Periyamma" greeted Gayathri and Kayal together.

" Hello Gaya and Kayal, where are your Amma and Appa? "

"They are not at home Periyamma......Is it anything important?" asked Gaya.

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