9. the new girl

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Gotham City
September 7, 06:56 EDT

"This outfit is ridiculous."

"I think it looks nice."

"I preferred the straight jacket."

"Don't be so negative." Robin led me up to the massive steel gates. "And remember, you can't call me Robin. My name is—"

"Dick. I know."

We were staring out at a massive courtyard, filled with students in their uniforms. Each of them talked eagerly with one another, bearing so much excitement I couldn't understand.

"Maybe, I should try this another day."

"Iris, it's not even first period yet," Robin pulled me back before I could escape. "There's nothing to be scared of."

"I'm not scared," I defended. "I'm just—"

"Afraid?" he chuckled. "Trust me, there are thousands of things to be scared of, and school isn't one of them."

"Dick." A girl with dark, bushy hair and blue eye makeup approached us. "I see you already welcomed my shadow."


"Uh, Iris, this is Fawn. It looks like she'll be guiding you around for today."

I craned my neck at him, distinctly remembering him say that he'll be the one to help me.

"I'm your student liaison." Fawn said proudly. "The student body matches us to new transfers with matching schedules."

"The student what?"

"Iris, is from boarding school," Robin cut in. "She's been overseas most of her life so, please, be gentle."

Fawn put on a face of offense. "I'm incredibly gentle, Mr. Grayson."

That was when a massive ring sounded, and my entire body was thrown into alert. Everyone began to scatter from the courtyard. "Did everyone hear that too?"

    Robin braced my shoulder. "That was just the bell for first period."

    "They don't have bells in boarding school?" Fawn laughed weakly.

    "Not the ones I'm from."

    Fawn expected me to follow her, but I couldn't help but stare at Robin, eyes pleading for him to save me.

    "I'll meet up with you for lunch," he assured me. "You'll be fine."

    There was no time to argue, as I was swept away with all the other students into a large hallway. "So, I hear you were granted a Wayne Foundation scholarship?"

    I was too distracted by all the bustling. "Huh? Oh, yeah."

    "So, how did you win it?"

    "Win what?"

    "The scholarship..?"

    "Oh, um... I don't really know."

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