32. reunion

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sorry this took longer than usual. i got my wisdom teeth out and proceeded to lose all function lol
also, i saw barbie and tell me if i'm the only one who thinks Dick gives major kenergy
happy reading :)

Mount Justice
March 21, 17:33 EDT

    "Aquaman has all of Atlantis on the case," Mal told the three of us. "He said they're quote-unquote 'searching the seven seas,' for Lagoon Boy and his captors. But it's a big planet and that's a lot of water."

    "We'll find La'gaan," Conner put a hand on Mal's shoulder.

    "And Aqualad."

    Dick and I shared a similar guilty look, before doing the only thing we could: disappear. We split off into different parts of the cave; my feet led me to the room I still can't seem to avoid.

    "Uh sorry. Mourning makes me hungry." Impulse and some of the other kids were staring at Artemis' memorial. Then he noticed I joined, "Beautiful! Nice for you to join us."

    Jaime grabbed Impulse suddenly, accusing him for stealing snacks.

    "What're you doing here?" Tim asked.

    "Just uh..." my eyes couldn't help but glance at his hologram, "Seeing a friend."

Gotham City

    The minute I stepped inside, I was too exhausted to pay mind to all the boxes littering the floor. The same boxes we've yet to unpack for nearly a month now. All I knew was that my legs ached and my eyes felt heavy.

    I fell into the bed, expecting sleep to hit me instantly; instead I found myself tossing and turning for ten minutes. Every night had become exactly the same. My body begging for sleep, but my mind saying no.

    I got back up, heading into the living room to sit in front of an empty canvas on the easel. Nothing happened after that. I sat for what felt like forever, spinning a pencil in my fingers finding nothing worthy enough to create. I tried sketching random things, but even that ceased to distract me after a while. So, I ended up trudging towards the bathroom, rummaging through drawers until I found the hidden pack of cigarettes.

    I took them with me, out to the terrace where it had begun to rain.


    I sat in the rain anyway, letting it wash over me while I cupped the cigarette in hand to light it. Then, I felt the smoke fill my mouth, then my chest, until it poured out again into the chilled air. I stayed that way for some time, slumped in my seat, the cigarette reaching my mouth every so often.

    Our terrace didn't face anything other than the wall of another apartment building. There was no view except the dark street below and brick. The cold air felt nice though, so did the rain dripping down my hair and back. It made the world feel quiet.

    "I thought I told you to quit."

    I looked over my shoulder to see Dick leaning against the terrace door. "I thought you weren't coming home tonight."

    "Sorry to disappoint." I took note of the way the rain fell into his dark hair, kept in mind the scars I knew trailed his body; most of all, I watched his eyes—that deep color that anchored me to the ground. "You alright?"

    "Of course I am."

    "I thought," he stole the cigarette from my hand and put it out, "you'd be asleep by now."

    I scooted aside, making room for him on the dusty sun chair."I couldn't."

    We stayed there, me tucked into his side while our hands grazed one another's. Our fingers did their own intimate dance as the rain pattered. "Why couldn't you sleep?"

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