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April 12, 04:00 PST

    "Witnesses say they saw her crash land about an hour ago," Wonder Woman said, standing at the crater's edge with Superman, and Batman at her sides.

    "From a ship?" Superman asked.

    "More like a portal. Like someone had 'zipped open the sky'."

    "A portal from where?"

    The question was left unanswered.

    "Her armor suggests she might be a soldier of some kind," Wonder Woman deduced. "Perhaps a member of an oncoming military force?"

    "She looks like a kid," Superman thought.

    "A kid who just survived a thousand foot fall," Batman added.

Behind them, The Flash and his sidekick Kid Flash, along with Robin and Aqualad, all waited.

"Dude, I'm so down for more chicks falling from the sky," Kid Flash whispered to his friends.

"Chicks who might be part of a full invading force?" Robin whispered back.

"All I'm hearing is they're coming to me," Kid Flash grinned.

Robin and Aqualad resorted to giving Kid Flash judgmental looks, when a grunt was followed by Wonder Woman flying past them and into the street.

The boys all turned back, to where the previously unconscious girl had leapt out from her crater, and seemingly kicked Wonder Woman. She was breathing heavily, covered in what appeared to be dried blood.

Robin took in her face for the first time, overcome by her unusual features. They all strung together sharply, but looking at them as a whole, he found that they made sense. What had caught his attention more than anything else, though, was her eyes. Two pools of glowing purple light that spilled onto the skin around them.

They may have been a foreign sight, but it was obvious that they were filled with rage.

"Uh oh," Kid Flash muttered, as the girl deflected the bombs Batman had tried to throw her way.

They erupted in the open air, as The Flash charged next, running towards the girl in a blur. He knocked her over once, only for her to tumble back onto her feet. The next time he tried to charge, she was ready for it. She swung her arm out catching The Flash at the neck and throwing him into the walls of a nearby building. Batman sprang to action again, tossing out a blade that the girl caught in her hand. She threw it to the ground behind her without much thought, as Aqualad and Kid Flash attempted to attack. That only resulted with Kid Flash being thrown back into Aqualad, taking them both out of the mix.

There didn't seem to be a simple way to stop her. That's when the Man of Steel flew through the air like a missile, fists forward.

The moment she realized he was headed her way, she raised a hand up, and stopped him with a bolt of purple light, that crackled like lightning. The beam caught Superman at the chest, throwing him through the walls of a nearby building, and causing blood to drip down his forehead.

"Robin, move!" Batman called out, charging for the girl again who maneuvered and in a series of well coordinated movements, seemed to have broken one of Batman's ribs.

She marched towards him, rage written all over her blood stained face, but he couldn't seem to move. His feet were glued to the floor in awe of her.

She arrived at his feet, a fist drawn back, but her expression suddenly softened and her arm dropped. Robin watched, mouth agape, as the girl crumbled to her knees and wept at his feet.

"Are you—"

"Robin, get back!" Wonder Woman called out, throwing her lasso around the girl and dragging her away on the concrete. "I compel you to surrender!"

Robin didn't think there seemed to be a need for that, though. For some unknown reason, the girl had given up at the sight of him. She let them hogtie her without the slightest resistance, staring at the ground as more tears began to stream from her eyes.

"Dude, are you alright?" Kid Flash arrived at Robin's side.

"I'm fine," he said, though, clearly she wasn't.

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