12. the general

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hello! before the chapter starts i just wanted to let you guys know that the artwork for chapters 1-2 and 4-7 have been updated.
i'll continue to include little notes like this as the art stuff comes out just in case you're interested
happy reading :)

Mount Justice
September 23, 06:34 EDT

    "Your hair is getting long, Miziaxyo."

    "I thought I'd grow it out this time."

    Fenix grabbed a piece of the grey locks, running his fingers through until he reached the end. "It'll look pretty either way."

    Someone began to knock on the doors to the barracks.

    "Don't answer it," he said sweetly. "Tell me what you've been drawing recently."

    I searched my mind for the answer, distracted by the knocking that had grown louder. "I-I don't remember—should we answer that?"

    He reached for my face and turned it back to him. "Ignore them."

    Whoever it was, began banging on the door. It enveloped the entire room, making the ground shake and the lights flicker.

    "I think I need to open the door."

    He held tightly to my hands, too tightly. "Just stay here with me."

    The door burst open, a sea of decaying bodies barreling through. They piled and toppled over each other, racing to reach us.

    "I told you not to open the doors."

    My neck craned to Fenix in fear, seeing that his skin had turned grey with rot. His eyes pooled in black, as his mouth began spewing dark, curdled blood. He grabbed me by the neck, his voice, now low and demonic, "You could have saved all of us!"

    My body jerked to life, gasping for the air I thought I had lost just a second ago. The banging in my dream had been matching the rhythm of the drill Green Lantern conjured to repair the cave.

    "Bad dream?"

    Robin was sat at the table with me. I hadn't even realized I dozed off.

    My breathing managed to slow. "Is there any other kind?"

    Most of the League spent the night, making repairs and keeping an eye out for the Reds. The entire team was meant to sit and wait for answers.

"You knew!?"

Not realizing I had dozed off again, my body shot up when Superboy grabbed Kaldur. "That android and his maniac family nearly killed M'gann!"

"Conner! What are you doing?"

"Kaldur knew we had a traitor among us, and said nothing!"

"You knew!?"

"But didn't tell us?"

    The thought of a traitor on the team scared me. I found myself scanning everyone in the group a second time, wondering what else they could be hiding.

"I sought to protect the team from—"

"Protect us from what, knowledge that might have saved our lives?"

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